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Our Products

  1. Bracelet 124 Products available
  2. Precious Stones & Gemstones 40 Products available
  3. Healing Crystals 31 Products available
  4. Vastu Pyramids 23 Products available
  5. Quartz Stone 23 Products available
  6. Gymnastics, Sports Equipment & Goods 20 Products available
  7. Sculptures 17 Products available
  8. Semi Precious Stones 16 Products available
  9. Fancy Jewellery 13 Products available
  10. Gem Stones 9 Products available
  11. Others Products 105 Products available


Our Complete range of products are Amethyst Bracelets, Rhodochrosite Bracelets, Que Sera Bracelets, Unakite Bracelets and Apache Tears Bracelets.

Amethyst Bracelets

  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Purple
  • Size 8 mm
  • Feature High Quality Bead
  • Suitable For Girls
  • Adjustable No
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Rhodochrosite Bracelets

  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Size 8 mm
  • Feature High Quality Bead
  • Color Pink
  • Suitable For Girls
  • Adjustable No
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Que Sera Bracelets

  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Olive Color
  • Type High Quality
  • Bead Size 13 mm
  • Suitable For Girls
  • Adjustable No
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Unakite Bracelets

  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Color Green
  • Cut Diamond cut
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Suitable For Girls
  • Adjustable No
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Apache Tears Bracelets

  • Material Natural Healing Crystal Stone
  • Size 10 mm
  • Feature High Quality Bead
  • Color Black
  • Suitable For Girls
  • Adjustable No
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Rose Quartz Beads Bracelet

599 /Pack Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 10 mm

Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.

Heart Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Green Jade Beads Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 10 mm

Jade is useful in dream-solving, facilitates access to the spiritual world and ritualistic knowledge and supports creativity. The healing properties of jade in the spiritual realm support happiness and harmony in family and work relationships. It is said to promote material abundance while jade properties encourage a more relaxed state of being. Jade meaning in the spiritual realm is connected with nobility and their ideals. Wearing jade gemstones promotes magic with the best of intentions while providing protection from deceitful or harmful entities in spirit work.

Heart Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Amethyst Beads Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Color Purple
  • Size 8 mm
  • Chakra Crown Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo

Amethyst is a popular purple-colored variety of quartz. The darkness of purple shade depends on the iron content in the stone. Amethyst helps in transmuting lower vibrations to higher frequencies thereby transforming negative energy to positive energy. It also connects the physical with the higher realm. This quartz corresponds to the Third (Aagya) Chakra and provides peaceful energy for meditation and developing varied psychic abilities. It also opens and activates the Crown (Sahastra) Chakra and allows connection to the higher self, leading to spiritual awareness and wisdom. Amethyst is also known to heal and balance ones aura. Amethyst is associated with people born under the zodiac signs of AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN, PISCES and VIRGO.

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Rose Quartz Bead Bracelet

399 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 8 mm
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 8

Rose Quartz belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Rose Quartz which corresponds to the feminine (Naari) energy has the red aspect of passion and power toned down, making it the stone of love and romance and is a very powerful crystal in the seeker crystal family. Rose quartz crystals are the natural birthstones of those born during October 22November 20 (SCORPIO) A very grounding crystal, this rose quartz bracelet is associated with the Root (Mooladhar) chakra and is used for realignment and healing of Root (Mooladhar) chakra. Rose quartz represents fire energy and denotes energy of warmth, brightness, illumination. It should be used as an accent and accessory. Rose quartz should be used in rooms where energy is focused on activity. The best areas for rose quartz bracelet are North, Northeast, South and Southwest.

Heart Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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African Turquoise Bead Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color Green
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Chakra Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces

Turquoise is also a powerful crystal for relieving stress. It is also said to protect against pollution in the environment, and to bring abundance. Turquoise is said also help speed the healing process, and is known as a master healer stone. It is very powerful for grounding and protection also. Turquoise is associated with the throat chakra primarily.

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Amazonite Bead Bracelet

360 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Reward Points 5

Also known as the stone of Courage and Truth, Amazonite helps in searching the self and discover ones own truths and identity, enabling one to live in harmony with others. It provides the courage and freedom to expressions, and to set strong and clear definitions of personal space. Amazonite soothes the energy chakras and is particularly rejuvenating to the Heart (Anahat) and Throat (Vishudha) Chakras. It balances ones Purush (Male) and Naari (Female) energies along with other aspects of the personality. Amazonite as a stone of protection can help you focus and amplify your energy to keep the undesirable tatvas out of your life thus making it one of the most protective pyramid you can own. Being associated with Anahat Chakra, amazonite bracelet are used in emotional healing especially when someone needs to recover from emotional trauma and to be able to improve ones ability to express love. The color turquoise is the color of the natural birthstones of those born as spring begins thus making it one of the natural birthstones of people born during 20 March - 19 April (ARIES). Amazonite represents water elemental energy which is traditionally associated with the North area of a house or room. Representing life path, water elemental energy could be used to have consistency and forward momentum in life.

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Bamboo Leaf Bead Bracelet

499 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Color Brown
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Chakra Sacral Chakra, Root Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Leo

Bamboo Leaf Agate Beads Bracelet Natural Gemstone Original Stone Beads Size - 8 MM Healing Crystal Energy Balancing Stone For inner stability, composure, and maturity This beautiful set is an excellent gift for Anniversaries, Brides, Wedding Party, Holiday, Graduations, Birthdays, or just as a surprise to remind that special someone how much you care. It brings an elegant and graceful look to any special occasion.

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Amazonite Diamond Cut Bead Bracelet

499 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color Blue
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Chakra Throat Chakra , Heart Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Virgo
  • Reward Points 5

Also known as the stone of Courage and Truth, Amazonite helps in searching the self and discover ones own truths and identity, enabling one to live in harmony with others. It provides the courage and freedom to expressions, and to set strong and clear definitions of personal space. Amazonite soothes the energy chakras and is particularly rejuvenating to the Heart (Anahat) and Throat (Vishudha) Chakras. It balances ones Purush (Male) and Naari (Female) energies along with other aspects of the personality. Amazonite as a stone of protection can help you focus and amplify your energy to keep the undesirable tatvas out of your life thus making it one of the most protective pyramid you can own. Being associated with Anahat Chakra, amazonite bracelet are used in emotional healing especially when someone needs to recover from emotional trauma and to be able to improve ones ability to express love. The color turquoise is the color of the natural birthstones of those born as spring begins thus making it one of the natural birthstones of people born during 20 March - 19 April (ARIES). Amazonite represents water elemental energy which is traditionally associated with the North area of a house or room. Representing life path, water elemental energy could be used to have consistency and forward momentum in life.

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Amethyst Bead Bracelet

450 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Color Purple
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Reward Points 4
  • Chakra Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces

Amethyst, which contains manganese, is a popular purple-colored variety of quartz. The darkness of purple shade depends on the iron content in the stone.

Amethyst helps in transmuting lower vibrations to higher frequencies thereby transforming negative energy to positive energy. It also connects the physical with the higher realm. This quartz corresponds to the Third (Aagya) Chakra and provides peaceful energy for meditation and developing varied psychic abilities. It also opens and activates the Crown (Sahastra) Chakra and allows connection to the higher self, leading to spiritual awareness and wisdom.

Amethyst is also known to heal and balance ones aura. Amethyst is associated with people born under the zodiac signs of AQUARIUS, CAPRICORN, PISCES and VIRGO.

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Black Agate Bead Bracelet

225 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color Black
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Chakra Root Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn
  • Reward Points 6
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

Black Agate belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life and relationships. Black Agate is used to remove negativity and to connect with the energies of the earth. This quartz is a useful tool to understand the underlying meaning of ones dreams. It not only helps in understanding dreams but is also a protection from bad dreams and nightmares. Traditionally this quartz is also called as protector of dream. This bracelet could be placed besides your bed or besides the person having bad dreams. It is also used as a meditation tool to understand the images of dreams. Most agate represents water energy. Agate bracelet can be used to bring the flowing water tatva into your house and life to focus on exploring your true potential. Waters elemental energy is traditionally associated with the North area of a house or room and represents life path. Waters elemental energy could be used to have consistency and forward momentum in life.

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Aquamarine Bead Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color Blue , Green
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Chakra Throat Chakra , Heart Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Aries

Connected with the Throat chakra, Aquamarine conquers the trepidation of talking, and is a magnificent stone for educators and moderators of numerous kinds. It unwinds speakers to a phase of awareness in which they are completely mindful of their own truths, knowledge and emotions, and ready to lucid them with clarity and conviction. It likewise permits one to talk plainly and without annoyance in troublesome circumstances.

Sea green/blue quickens the scholarly thinking procedures and improves the capacity for fast reaction. It makes one unconquerable through learning, about the physical world, as well as around oneself. [Melody, 128] It presents tirelessness, teach and good cheer.

Sea green/blue energizes the perfect of administration to the world and to the advancement of a humankind receptive to mending. It transmits a tender and empathetic vitality, advancing control and obligation regarding ones' activities. It rouses judgmental individuals to be more tolerant, and aides those overpowered by obligation to discover request.

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Apatite Bead Bracelet

799 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color Blue
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Chakra Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Gemini, Libra

Blue Apatite is a motivational stone, advancing autonomy and aspiration.

A stone of the Throat Chakra, Blue Apatite assists with open talking and upgrades bunch communication.Attuned to the Third Eye, it likewise enhances focus and memory aptitudes, and is a decent precious stone for study purposes. It helps in time administration when taking a shot at ventures.

Blue Apatite is especially steady for business specialists, and record or speculation administrators. It is similarly useful in times of unemployment or a decrease in work hours to discover elective job, and might be strong of those constrained into early retirement.

Blue Apatite can be utilized as a fantasy stone to get to the intuitive for inventive critical thinking, and in addition for investigating different lives and karmic design. Apatite upgrades inventiveness and stirs the better, internal identity. It is a stone without bounds and conveys information to those receptive to it. It might be utilized as an interface point amongst awareness and matter to make an interpretation of our helpful desires into mending, data, correspondence and educating.

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Black Obsidian Bead Bracelet

300 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Color Black
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Chakra Root Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Scorpio, Sagittarius

Being a natural glass made of quartz, it represents the seeker within. Black Obsidian stone is used as a grounding crystal in healing regimes. Representing the true self of a CAPRICORN, the ultimate seeker of self, Black Obsidian is the natural gemstone for people born under this sun sign.
Obsidian represents Wood Energy which is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a house or room. It is corresponding with the Family and Health area along with Prosperity and Abundance in ones life.
This stone could be used in the East area of a room or house which will help in Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there. Also Obsidian will enhance energy flow aiding and guiding your efforts towards making contributions in enhancement of family and community.
Obsidian stone are also used as effective tool against depression, blocking negativity of any kind. It also helps in meditation and seeking ones true self.

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Bronzite Bead Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Color Brown
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Chakra All Chakras
  • Zodiac Sign Leo

Bronzite is an iron-bearing variety ofInstatefrom Austria. It has green-browncolorwith bronze-like sub-metallicluster. It was known long before Enstatite. Bronzite is effective against curses, is a magical protector and turns back negative thoughts and ill-wishing. However it returns, the ill-wishing, cures or spells back to the source considerably magnified, perpetuating the problem as it bounces backward and forward, becoming stronger each time and it makes the ill wisher feel extremely ill while the recipient remains protected but aware of the energetic disturbance.

It is more effective to use bronzite in combination with black tourmaline, as this absorbs the ill wishing, immediately stopping the interaction and taking attention away from the source Bronzite is helpful for helping with certainty and with taking control of our actions.

Bronzite is useful for supporting and balancing masculine yang energy with in the body of the psyche. Bronzite is helpful for chronic exhaustion, the assimilation of iron, cramps and nerves.Bronzite is used in crystal healing for ailments related to the solar plexus chakra, assimilation of iron, lessening muscular tension, dispelling restlessness caused by emotional and psycho-physical ailments.

This listing is for 1 Bronzite Bead Bracelet

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Blue Tiger Eye Beads Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color Blue
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size (Inches) 8mm
  • Chakra Sacral Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Capricorn

Agate a mineral of the quartz family belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystals. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.Banded Agate is known as rainbow of earth with powers to heal mind, body and soul. Agate is also called as protector stone and works as a barrier to deflect the negative and unwanted energies, including the physic attacks.

Blue Tiger Eye Beads Bracelet

This listing is For only 1 Blue Tiger Eye Beads Bracelet

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Blue Sodalite Bead Bracelet

300 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color Blue
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Chakra Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Sodalite stone is known to have strong vibrations connecting to the qualities of idealism and truth and on larger perspective the truth of life and the patterns behind it. Its strong metaphysical properties help in enhancing and stimulating the creative abilities.

Blue Sodalite is associated with Third eye (Aagya) Chakra and the Throat (Vishudha) Chakra. This makes it an ideal stone for development of intuitive abilities and expressions. It also helps in understanding one true self and life. As a stone of idealism it enhances self discipline and idealism.

Sodalite is also known as an aid to access ones subconscious and harmonizes one with the higher self. Use a Sodalite stone bracelet during meditation to attain access to true self and true nature.

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Blue Kyanite Bead Bracelet

1,199 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Color Blue
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Bead Size 8 mm
  • Chakra Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra
  • Zodiac Sign Aries, Taurus, Libra, Pisces

Blue Kaynite bead Bracelet Natural Gemstone Stone Chakra Balancing Crystal Healing Stone These Kyanite Crystals from Brazil are translucent and carry a sweet vibration. Their size makes them perfect for body layouts and crystal grids, and they are great to keep in your pocket or purse when in need of the supportive energies of Kyanite. Kyanite works with all the Chakras, focusing most on the Heart Chakra.

Kyanite is especially helpful to those searching for and/or learning to discern the truth of any matter or situation, including the media and politics. Carrying Kyanite with you can help when in the company of others of whom you are unsure, by helping you to look within the heart of that person to see their true motives behind any statement or action. Kyanite is often used to make contact with the nature spirits.

Some plant lovers place Kyanite into the soil of a potted plant to improve growth and stamina. Meditating with Kyanite can help transfer information from the Third-Eye Chakra into the Heart where it can be assimilated into one's conscious wisdom for application in the physical realm. These lovely Kyanite Crystals emit a palpable vibration of Divine Love when one is attuned to them.Kyanite transmits and amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements and meditation. Kyanite brings a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body.

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Tiger Eye Diamond Cut Beads Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size (Inches) 8 mm

Tiger Eye Diamond Cut Beads Bracelet

This listing is for only 1Tiger Eye Diamond Cut Beads Bracelet

About Crystal -

A stone of protection, Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, dispelling fear and anxiety.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Tiger Eye Mix Beads Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size (Inches) 8mm

A stone of protection, Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, dispelling fear and anxiety.

Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Tiger Eye Stone Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size (Inches) 8 mm
  • Reward Points 20

Tiger eye with a mix of yellow and golden brown aura has ability to magnify and focus energy of intention. Clubbed with the power of bracelet this is a very effective tool for manifestation of desires specially when stated clearly

Tiger eye is also known to be a combination of earth and sun energy wherein it helps in drawing spiritual energy to earth and transmuting them to the lower chakras. It helps in balancing and harmonizing along with being stable and focused. It is also known to be a protection stone for travelers and also attracts energy to aid in rise of kundalini Shakti.

Being associated with Solar Plexus (Manipur) Chakra it is known to be helpful in giving courage at the time of need. It is astrologically connected with people born under the zodiac signs of CAPRICORRN and LEO.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Tiger Eye Uncut Bracelet

250 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size (Inches) 8 mm

Tiger eye with a mix of yellow and golden brown aura has ability to magnify and focus energy of intention. Clubbed with the power of bracelet this is a very effective tool for manifestation of desires specially when stated clearly

Tiger eye is also known to be a combination of earth and sun energy wherein it helps in drawing spiritual energy to earth and transmuting them to the lower chakras. It helps in balancing and harmonizing along with being stable and focused. It is also known to be a protection stone for travelers and also attracts energy to aid in rise of kundalini Shakti.

Being associated with Solar Plexus (Manipur) Chakra it is known to be helpful in giving courage at the time of need. It is astrologically connected with people born under the zodiac signs of CAPRICORRN and LEO.

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Tree Agate Uncut Bracelet

250 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 8

Tree Agate is also called stone of inner peace. It Tree Agate calms nerves and can be combined with clear quartz to deepen meditation and prayer. Tree Agate helps in recognizing the role and importance of cycles in ones life. It helps in bringing focus on oneness with the higher self and the cosmos, thereby removing ego and arrogance.

Tree Agate is deeply connected to nature and thus helps one to connect with the earth energies during meditation. Tree Agate corresponds to the Heart (Anahat) Chakra and thus is a aid in healing heart from emotional trauma. It is believed to improve the immune system and balance the water element in the body.

Tree Agate is astrologically connected to people born under the zodiac sign of VIRGO.

Heart Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Yellow Aventurine Bead Bracelet

350 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

Yellow Aventurine which is exuding the yellow aura is representation of Solar Plexus (Manipur) chakra. It is great tool to activate and balance the solar plexus (Manipur) Chakra and also help in balancing the Sacral (Swadhisthan) chakra helping a seeker to be more balanced in decision making and in relations.
The yellow color of Aventurine is natural birthstone for those born under zodiac sign of ARIES
The energy of Yellow Aventurine stone can be used to address issues related to power and control. It helps one to focus inwards and be aware of self, leading to calmness and compassion in ones attitude. This is also a great tool to absorb and reduce the electromagnetic and environmental negative energies.

As it is a balancing stone and balances the Ying-Yang energies it helps in being more creative and stable in approach towards life and others. It is also known to be a aid in easing migraine headaches and sinus issues.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Rose Quartz Diamond Cut Bead Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 8 mm
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

Rose Quartz belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Rose Quartz which corresponds to the feminine (Naari) energy has the red aspect of passion and power toned down, making it the stone of love and romance and is a very powerful crystal in the seeker crystal family. Rose quartz crystals are the natural birthstones of those born during October 22November 20 (SCORPIO) A very grounding crystal, this rose quartz Merkaba is associated with the Root (Mooladhar) chakra and is used for realignment and healing of Root (Mooladhar) chakra. Rose quartz represents fire energy and denotes energy of warmth, brightness, illumination. It should be used as an accent and accessory. Rose quartz should be used in rooms where energy is focused on activity. The best areas for rose quartz merkaba are North, Northeast, South and Southwest.

Heart Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Tiger Eye Diamond Cut Bead Bracelet

499 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size (Inches) 8 mm

Tiger eye with a mix of yellow and golden brown aura has ability to magnify and focus energy of intention. Clubbed with the power of mala this is a very effective tool for manifestation of desires specially when stated clearly

Tiger eye is also known to be a combination of earth and sun energy wherein it helps in drawing spiritual energy to earth and transmuting them to the lower chakras. It helps in balancing and harmonizing along with being stable and focused. It is also known to be a protection stone for travelers and also attracts energy to aid in rise of kundalini Shakti.

Being associated with Solar Plexus (Manipur) Chakra it is known to be helpful in giving courage at the time of need. It is astrologically connected with people born under the zodiac signs of CAPRICORRN and LEO.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Sunstone With Moonstone Bead Bracelet

650 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm

Sunstone due to its quality is also known as a barrier and filter crystal. Where barrier protects a seeker against unwanted and negative energies, filter helps in providing clarity and stabilizing ones thought process and awakening the sense of oneness with the cosmos.The Orange color of sunstone produces the natural birthstone color of those born under zodiac of LEO, VIRGO. Considered to be associated with Sacral (Swadhisthan) Chakra, sunstone represents the energy of this chakra and is used for healing stomach and abdomen related ailments.

Also called as white Labradorite, moonstones are partially translucent and reflect rainbow colors. When working in correspondence to the Third (Aagya) Chakra it provides peaceful energy for meditation and developing varied psychic abilities. It also opens and activates the Crown (Sahastra) Chakra and allows connection to the higher self, leading to spiritual awareness and wisdom. It helps in enhancing emotional stability and vision thus improving creativity and expression. Moonstone is also known to be a very effective aid in balancing emotions and stabilizing them.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Zodiac Sign
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Seven Chakra Uncut Bracelet

200 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm
  • Reward Points 8

Quartz belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state.Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.
GRNETGarnet is found almost everywhere in world in a variety of chemical composition and colour. A stone of creativity, it grounds the spirit forces within the body and helps in the ability to work on physical plane. It is a stone of intense feelings
Carnelian is full of the life force, stimulating metabolism and a good supply of blood to the organs and tissues. It benefits in the absorption of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals in the small intestine, and improves blood viscosity and circulation. It helps reduce congestion, phlebitis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids, as well as boils and skin irritations.GREEN AVENTURINE
Green Aventurine belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state.Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.BLUE AVENTURINE
Blue Aventurine is especially animating to the Third Eye and Throat Chakras, opening one to higher profound direction, and uncovering psychic and natural capacities that may beforehand have been blocked. It empowers transparent correspondence and talking one's brain and heart.LAPIS LAZULILapis is known to be crystal with Enhancer quality. With cubic symmetry and internal harmony, they can focus and amplify our energy on lifes improvement facets which are desired to be accomplished.This Lapis Lazuli stone with its inherent earth power filters negative emotions and tatvas away from the seeker. It helps bring out the most positive attitude towards life and other earthlings. Lapis with dark blue texture helps in enhancing mutual trust and respect for self and others, AMETHYST
Amethyst, which contains manganese, is a popular purple-colored variety of quartz. The darkness of purple shade depends on the iron content in the stone.Amethyst helps in transmuting lower vibrations to higher frequencies thereby transforming negative energy to positive energy. It also connects the physical with the higher realm.

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Serpentine Bead Bracelet

499 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm

Serpentine is popularly known as a guardian crystal widely used for protection. Physically they provide protection from harm and could be used for protection of loved ones and valuables. As a protector serpentine provides protection against doubts in ones own belief system. It also helps in grounding your true self and being true to your own self and being respectful to others. Serpentine is one of the natural birthstones for those born in during 20 April - 20 May (TAURUS). With its green color it is associated with Heart (Anahat) Chakra and is used for emotional healing enhancing ones ability to express love. Serpentine represents Wood Energy which is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a house or room. It is corresponding with the Family and Health area along with Prosperity and Abundance in ones life. This raw could be used in the East area of a room or house which will help in Qui, the Universal Life Force flowing properly there. Also Serpentine will enhance energy flow aiding and guiding your efforts towards making contributions in enhancement of family and community. Serpentine is believed to be a calming and relaxing crystal with energy flow to relax ones spirit and bringing peace of oneness with the cosmos.

Crown Chakra  
Heart Chakra  
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Rudraksh With Green Aventurine Bead Bracelet

375 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 7 mm

Green Aventurine belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life and relationships. Green Aventurine is widely used to remove negativity and to connect with the energies of the earth. It is also considered to be a tool integrated with the energy to provide long term financial security and stability.Green Aventurine represents Wood Energy which is traditionally associated with the East and Southeast areas of a house or room. It is corresponding with the Family and Health area along with Prosperity and Abundance in ones life.

Rudraksha is the seed of a particular tree species which usually grows at a certain altitude in the mountains mainly in the Himalayan region. Unfortunately, most of these trees were used to make railway sleepers, so there are very few of them remaining in India. Today, they are mostly found in Nepal, Burma, Thailand or Indonesia. They are there in some parts of the Western Ghats in South India, but the best quality ones come from a certain altitude in Himalayas because somehow the soil, atmosphere, and everything influences it. These seeds have a very unique vibration.

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Ruby Zoisite Bead Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 8 mm
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

Ruby in Matrix belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Charged with Earth Power of the Transformer, they are great aid in seeking new avenues towards transformation of life and relationships. Ruby is the traditional birthstone of those born in the month of July (CANCER & LEO). Ruby being corresponding to planet Saturn is known to be astrologically associated with CAPRICORN (21 Dec - 21 Jan).

Ruby is associated with the area between the Root (Mooladhar) chakra and Sacral (Swadhisthan)chakra. Often it is used as tool for spiritual healing directed towards balance between ones emotions and instincts. This ball could be used to balance complexities of life and seeking strength to deal with them. Ruby represents fire energy and should be used as an accent and accessory. Red crystals of Ruby should be used in rooms where energy is focused on activity. The best areas for Ruby ball are North, Northeast, South and Southwest.

Sacral Chakra  
Root Chakra  
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Phantom Crystal Bead Bracelet

699 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm

A Phantom is a crystal or mineral deposit within a crystal. While the color of Phantoms will vary from crystal to crystal, depending upon the type of mineral of which they are made, Phantoms look like the ghost of a crystal within another crystal. Phantoms are formed when the growth of a crystal has been interrupted and then begins to grow again. Often, the original mineral gets washed away, leaving only the Quartz to grow afterwards.
Quartz Phantoms are symbolic of universal awareness and the many phases of the cycle of life. Phantoms are believed to bring great healing to the Earth by helping to assimilate the past.
You can use Phantoms to facilitate inner growth, and when in need of help in understanding and resolving past issues in your life. Meditating with Phantoms can help one uncover hidden information and repressed memories and bring them to the surface for final resolution and release. This type of self-work can often precipitate great transformation in ones life

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Prehnite Beads Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 8 mm
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Reward Points 16

Prehnite is an exceptionally defensive stone and can secure one on all levels. It fortifies the life power and for the most part increments and empowers vitality, while in the meantime bringing effective quieting energies. Along these lines, prehnite is said to straightforwardness stresses and anxiety of various sorts.

Prenite is utilized to help soul correspondence through reflection or representation, out-of-body travel, and ipowerful dream work. Prehnite is otherwise called a stone of prediction which fortifies internal knowing.

Physically, prehnite is utilized as a part of precious stone mending for gout, iron deficiency, and kidney issues. If you don't mind take note of that mending precious stone implications are otherworldly backings to recuperating and are not medicines or social insurance data.

Prehnite is connected with the sunlight based plexus chakra. Green Prehnite is connected with the heart chakra.

Heart Chakra  
Solar Plexus Chakra  
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Red Aventurine Bead Bracelet

350 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

Traditionally Red Aventurine is used to enhance creativity, prosperity and balancing of Male (Purush) and Female (Naari) energies. It is considered to be a balancing stone with the ability to ground excess energy from the chakras, thus making them harmonize and balanced with each other.
The Red color of Aventurine is natural birthstone for those born under zodiac sign of ARIES
Red Aventurine corresponds to the thymus chakra and nervous system therefore it helps in balancing the blood pressure and skin related problems. This stone could be used to address energy balance issues not only on physical but also on spiritual level. This is also a great tool to absorb and reduce the electromagnetic and environmental negative energies; hence a grid of red aventurine could be used to balance energies in home, office or sacred places.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Root Chakra  
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Rhodochrosite Bead Bracelet

699 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm

Rhodochrosite is a fearlessness supporter inferable from breathing life into a feeling of reasonable equalization. It is additionally used to adapt to issues in life in an elegant, adjusted way without evasion or dential.

In the psychic or otherworldly domain rhodochrosite is utilized to simplicity issues brought on by past lives, and to assistance to convey those issues to determination. It is utilized to hoist the psyche to a higher plane in contemplation and vitality work.

Rhodochrosite adjusts and upgrades love on all levels. It permits more full love to enter one's life, to some extent by quieting intemperate interests. It adjusts the mental and enthusiastic procedures. It is likewise said to be a stone of opportunity in light of this adjusting inward clashes. This can bring a profound feeling of joy and help from continuous anxiety.

Customarily in precious stone recuperating rhodochrosite has been viewed as useful for the absorption, the heart, the kidneys, spleen, pancreas, the beat rate, and the thyroid. It is additionally utilized for anxiety related sickness by changing the vitality of the disease with an adjusted affection for self and the universe. Note that recuperating precious stone implications are otherworldly backings to mending and are not remedies or medicinal services data.

Heart Chakra  
Solar Plexus Chakra  
Root Chakra  
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Red Jasper Diamond Cut Beads Bracelet

250 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm
  • Reward Points 5

Red Jasper belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystal family. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet. Energy of pure red and joy of orange combined by Scarlet represents the color of strength and rejuvenation both physically and spiritually. This Jasper is significantly beneficial for all those for whom physical strength is vital. A very grounding crystal, this Jasper is associated with the Root (Mooladhar) chakra and is used for realignment and healing of Root (Mooladhar) chakra. Red as a color is natural birthstone for those born during 22 Oct 20 Nov (SCORPIO). However being associated with planet mercury it is also astrologically connected with GEMINI (21 May 21 Jun). Representing Fire Energy this Jasper is used in the south area of a house or room. Fire elemental energy which is Yang in nature denotes the energy of brightness, illumination and warmth.

Sacral Chakra  
Root Chakra  
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Peach Moonstone Bead Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm

Moonstone also called as stone for travelers is known for its quality of protection especially at night. It is said to be most powerful protection amulet on water when moon is shining. It is also considered to be an effective aid for enhancing the personality.

Moonstone with its powerful barrier quality embedded in its crystalline structure it is effective in keeping undesired tatvas out of ones life. With its earth power of a filter it keeps the positive energy flow and filters out negative energy. As a grounding stone it also helps in providing mental stability and harmonizing the seeker.

Moonstone has a long lasting soothing quality which brings calmness on the emotional aspect and peace on the physical level. It has an energy which balances the emotions piled up in subconscious and thus contain outburst of emotions. When placed at the centre of chin (Moon Center) it stimulates confidence and composure.

Moonstone is the stone for those born under the zodiac sign of CANCER.

Moonstone has metal elemental energy which represents energy of healing, creativity and intelligence. It represents bonding and harmonization at both physical and spiritual level. This stone should be used in the west area of house or room.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
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Multi Fluorite Diamond Cut Bracelet

799 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 8 mm
  • Reward Points 25
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

Fluorite is also known as Enhancer and Brightener Crystal. Enhancers are minerals and crystals having inheriting cubic symmetry and harmony, representing the web of life, the ultimate harmony of the universe. One of the brightest among the mineral family these are known as life's brighteners, enabling one to see and seek the brighter side of life, shifting their focus away from problems. Fluorite is one of the true birthstones ofpeople born in mid spring from 20 April through 20 May (TAURUS) and is also associated with people born during 20 February - 19 March (PISCES)

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Multi Fluorite Bracelet

799 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm
  • Reward Points 25

Fluorite is also known as Enhancer and Brightener Crystal. Enhancers are minerals and crystals having inheriting cubic symmetry and harmony, representing the web of life, the ultimate harmony of the universe. One of the brightest among the mineral family these are known as life's brighteners, enabling one to see and seek the brighter side of life, shifting their focus away from problems. Fluorite is one of the true birthstones ofpeople born in mid spring from 20 April through 20 May (TAURUS) and is also associated with people born during 20 February - 19 March (PISCES)

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Moss Agate, Tree Agate And Hematite Bead Bracelet

450 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size (Inches) 8 mm

Agate a mineral of the quartz family belongs to the Seeker and Transformer Crystals. Seeker and Transformers are popular talismans, used to find transformation in life towards more desirable state. Seekers are used for guidance in searching for a new path, direction, approach or any quest which is desired but not attained yet.

Tree Agate is also called stone of inner peace. It Tree Agate calms nerves and can be combined with clear quartz to deepen meditation and prayer. Tree Agate helps in recognizing the role and importance of cycles in ones life. It helps in bringing focus on oneness with the higher self and the cosmos, thereby removing ego and arrogance.Tree Agate is deeply connected to nature and thus helps one to connect with the earth energies during meditation. Tree Agate corresponds to the Heart (Anahat) Chakra and thus is a aid in healing heart from emotional trauma. It is believed to improve the immune system and balance the water element in the body.

Hematite crystals have an excellent grounding and balancing energy, as well as being a powerful aid to stimulate the mind.They enhance memory and evoke deep thought. They have a highly protective energy and are good to help women who lack courage.If you desire to stimulate your mind for higher learning, they are most helpful, especially in the field of mathematics and technical studies.

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Heart Chakra  
Root Chakra  
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Moonstone Uncut Bracelet

350 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm
  • Reward Points 8

Moonstone also called as stone for travelers is known for its quality of protection especially at night. It is said to be most powerful protection amulet on water when moon is shining. It is also considered to be an effective aid for enhancing the personality. Moonstone with its powerful barrier quality embedded in its crystalline structure it is effective in keeping undesired tatvas out of ones life. With its earth power of a filter it keeps the positive energy flow and filters out negative energy. As a grounding stone it also helps in providing mental stability and harmonizing the seeker. Moonstone has a long lasting soothing quality which brings calmness on the emotional aspect and peace on the physical level. It has an energy which balances the emotions piled up in subconscious and thus contain outburst of emotions. When placed at the centre of chin (Moon Center) it stimulates confidence and composure.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
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Moonstone Bead Bracelet

450 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm

Moonstone also called as stone for travelers is known for its quality of protection especially at night. It is said to be most powerful protection amulet on water when moon is shining. It is also considered to be an effective aid for enhancing the personality.
Moonstone with its powerful barrier quality embedded in its crystalline structure it is effective in keeping undesired tatvas out of ones life. With its earth power of a filter it keeps the positive energy flow and filters out negative energy. As a grounding stone it also helps in providing mental stability and harmonizing the seeker.
Moonstone has a long lasting soothing quality which brings calmness on the emotional aspect and peace on the physical level. It has an energy which balances the emotions piled up in subconscious and thus contain outburst of emotions. When placed at the centre of chin (Moon Center) it stimulates confidence and composure.
Moonstone is the stone for those born under the zodiac sign of CANCER.
Moonstone has metal elemental energy which represents energy of healing, creativity and intelligence. It represents bonding and harmonization at both physical and spiritual level. This stone should be used in the west area of house or room.

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Third Eye Chakra  
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Mix Tiger Eye Bead Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size (Inches) 8 mm

Tiger eye has ability to magnify and focus energy of intention. Clubbed with the power of stone this is a very effective tool for manifestation of desires specially when stated clearly

Tiger eye is also known to be a combination of earth and sun energy wherein it helps in drawing spiritual energy to earth and transmuting them to the lower chakras. It helps in balancing and harmonizing along with being stable and focused. It is also known to be a protection stone for travelers and also attracts energy to aid in rise of kundalini Shakti.

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Mookaite Bead Bracelet

599 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 8 mm
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
Mookaite connects us to ancient knowledge and genetic memory. It is a powerful reminder of the ageless spirit, and can help one to maintain a young at heart attitude and a vibrant physical vessel. Mookaite can help us to perceive and understand the emotional and behavioural legacy our ancestry has passed down and it supports one to release and move beyond those patterns. It can help one feel a deep connection to place Mookaite is from the Jasper family and is found only in Western Australia, it gets its name from the Mooka Creek where it is found, Mooka being the local aboriginal word for running waters. With its great array of earthy red, ochre, purple, burgundy and yellow colors, Mookaite is a perfect picture of the Australian Outback.

Solar Plexus Chakra  
Sacral Chakra  
Root Chakra  
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Lava Bead Bracelet

399 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Reward Points 12
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva
  • Size 8 mm

Since magma is known for its establishing qualities, it's awesome for quieting the feelings. Actually, the nature of flame springs from the beginning, as far as mending pearls, this fits a quieting yet exceptional vitality. Since it originates from crude vitality, it's thought to be a stone of resurrection and shedding unneeded layers of enthusiastic connection.
Magma stones are phenomenal for balancing out and establishing the root chakra. This is a direct result of the solid association with the earth and its creation inside the focal point of Earth. In society cures, it was likewise given to troopers to help them try to avoid panicking amid fight.

Root Chakra  
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Lapis Lazuli Stone Bracelet

799 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Size 8 mm
  • Reward Points 13
  • Brand Name Pyramid tatva

Lapis is known to be crystal with Enhancer quality. With cubic symmetry and internal harmony, they can focus and amplify our energy on lifes improvement facets which are desired to be accomplished. This Lapis Lazuli bracelet with its inherent earth power filters negative emotions and tatvas away from the seeker. It helps bring out the most positive attitude towards life and other earthlings. Lapis with dark blue texture helps in enhancing mutual trust and respect for self and others, it helps in bringing out the tenderness within one and a feeling to help and serve others. Blue is the true birthstones color of those born during February 20March 19 (PISCES). Also being associated with planets Neptune and Venus it is astrologically associated with SAGITTARIUS (20 Nov - 19 Dec). Lapis Lazuli corresponds with the Throat (Vishudha) Chakra, the very source of expression of energy from other chakras.

Lapis represents water energy and is symbolized with blue color. Lapis Lazuli bracelet can be used to bring the flowing water tatva into your house and life to focus on exploring your true potential. Waters elemental energy is traditionally associated with the North area of a house or room and represents life path. Waters elemental energy could be used to have consistency and forward momentum in life. Lapis is also believed to be a great enhancer in mental clarity, creative self expression and spirituality.

Crown Chakra  
Third Eye Chakra  
Throat Chakra  
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