Our Product / Services
Packaging Foils & Films
2 Products availableSaws, Chainsaws & Saw Blades
2 Products availableCurtains
1 Products availableFilter Cloth
1 Products availablePhysiotherapy Products & Equipment
1 Products availableCaster Wheels, Casters & Rollers
1 Products availableDrilling Bits, Chucks & Collets
1 Products availableWire Making & Cabling Machines
1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Wiresaw Flywheel Liners, Imported Special Wedges, Rainy Unit Shower Nozzle Pipes, Slurry Outlet Muffs and Cyclone Cone for Pumps.
Worm Wheel and Shaft for Column and Trolley Rotating and Forward and Reverse Gear Box, Crown Gear and Pinion Shafts.
Wire M/c, Pellegrini, Candiani, Bideseimpianti, Gaspari, Barsanti, Breton, Giorigini Maggi, Frugoli SEI Resin Machine, etc.
We can supply Bideseimpianti Wiresaw Machines and its consumables and spares.
For more product information, see ourGangsaw supplies section.
We can supply Candiani Wiresaw Machines and its consumables and spares.
For more product information, see ourGangsaw supplies section.
The whole cyclone cone unit with mouth attached is being developed by hard urethane compound with excellent abrasive resistance properties combined with water, lime powder, steel girt, and slurry resistance. Its special inside slippery finish allows easy flow of the slurry material without blocking.