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1 Products availablePurndhenu-Rasayan-Bhasma
1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of gau ark, Saptrangi ark, Sahajan ark, Go mutra ark and Arandi ark
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Packaging Details : Divya Godhan Ark is an ancient Ayurvedic medicine made by extracting the goodness from gomutra or cow urine. It has multiple benefits and cures a variety of serious ailments. It gives you relief from problems of liver and stomach. It cures eczema, controls diabetes and cancer. Divya Godhan Ark has detoxifying properties which cleanses your system of toxins accumulated from the environment or unhealthy lifestyle. Get holistic cure and experience Ayurvedic healing at its best with Divya Godhan Ark.
Delivery Time : 3 days
Salacia oblonga orSaptrangiis a woody and strangling herb that is native to Sri Lanka, China and India. It is commonly known as Marking Nut tree. . It is one of the most important traditional herbs used to treat diabetes, especially type II diabetes and other illnesses.
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
according to Ayurveda is a gold mine of nature's secrets which have existed for centuries. Ark is a fresh distilled herbs. When herbs are boiled, the steam is collected, cooled and liquefied to make Ark. Ravana is also an important contributor to Ayurveda. Our Ark is based on Ayurveda, was written by Ravana.Ark is old Ayurvedic medicines which is very much useful to the m
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
gomutra ark is an ancient ayurvedic medicine made by extracting the goodness from gomutra or cow urine. it has multiple benefits and cures a variety of serious ailments. it gives you relief from problems ofliverand stomach. it cures eczema, controlsdiabetesandcancer.
all kinds of allergies- physical &metaphysical, anxiety, all heart diseases, hbp, lbp, paralysis, joint pain, coughing, restricted urine, constipation, mentalretardation, epilepsy, muscular disease, all nervous function, all types of fevers, eczema, leucoderma, diabetes, jaundice, acidity, thyroiditis, skin disorders, loss of memory, mental weakness, obesity, excessive sleepdna protection, regenerate the demaged cells and tissues, breakdown virus bacteria like cancer, aids, reduce of effects tomobile radiation other radiation.
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Delivery Time : With in 24 hours
Usefjul in Scitica, Nerve Pain and Body Pain.
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Delivery Time : within 24 hours
component material:
- dashmool, chitrak mool, lodhra, pushkaramool, giloy, jawasa, khadir, vijayasar, triphala, manjistha, deodaru, vidang, kebab chini, sandalwood, nutmeg munka, chaturjat etc.
in typhoid fever, paralysis in tetanus, cough, cystitis, fever, fever -
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
Brahmi has astringent properties (20), which is beneficial for the skin. Astringents are used in many cosmetics. The astringent works by removing the excess oil, cleansing the skin follicles (21).
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
liquidgokhru ark
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
Giloy Arkis an Ayurvedic product that is effective and useful for every age group.Giloyis also known as Amrita in Ayurveda. Increase the immune system. Fights away the invading foreign microorganism.
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Packaging Details : Giloy Ark is an Ayurvedic product that is effective and useful for every age group. Giloy is also known as Amrita in Ayurveda. Increase the immune system. Fights away the invading foreign microorganism.
Delivery Time : Two days - three days
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
With its healing benefits, tulsiis a go-to remedy to get rid of cold, cough, flu, and sore throat owing to its antiseptic and analgesic properties. . Kapiva PureTulsi Arkis rich in antioxidants like Eugenol, Thymol, and Methyl Chavicol which provide protection from free radicals.
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
individuals consuming triphala with moderate dietary intake are unlikely to have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, ophthalmology, stomach disorders, obesity, etc. it destroys some 20 types of pimples, various leprosy, asymmetry and inflammation. bones, hair, teeth and digestive institutions are strengthened. its regular intake makes the body build, capable and agile. if a spoon is taken at bedtime with warm water, then the constipation does not remain.
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
Useful in kidney dialysis
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
karela ark
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Packaging Details : Product
Delivery Time : Two days - three days
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
Chicory root helps in urinary problems, blood enhancers, joint pain, rheumatism or arthritis and inflammation. Chicory is bitter, increases strength, reduces inflammation, increases appetite and helps in digestion of food. Chicory is bitter, dry and warm in nature. It also helps in reducing bile.
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Packaging Details : Chicory root helps in urinary problems, blood enhancers, joint pain, rheumatism or arthritis and inflammation. Chicory is bitter, increases strength, reduces inflammation, increases appetite and helps in digestion of food. Chicory is bitter, dry and warm in nature. It also helps in reducing bile.
Delivery Time : Two days - three days
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
Gudmar is a wood climbing shrub whose leaves are used for medicinal purposes. Gudmar or Gurmar is considered to be a magical remedy for diabetic patients as it is highly effective in both type I and type IIdiabetesmellitus. It reduces blood sugar levels by enhancing the level of insulin in the body.
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days
Freund's adjuvant arthritis and PPD induced tuberculin reaction. Thus anti-inflammatory activity inleavesofHarsingarsupports its use in various inflammatory conditions by the followers of the Ayurvedic system ofmedicine.
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Packaging Details : Freund's adjuvant arthritis and PPD induced tuberculin reaction. Thus anti-inflammatory activity in leaves of Harsingar supports its use in various inflammatory conditions by the followers of the Ayurvedic system of medicine.
Delivery Time : Two days - three days
It is used for treating abdominal pain, gas, nausea, upset stomach etc. This medicine is prepared by steam distillation ofmintleaves.Arkis a solution containing volatile oils of medicinal herbs.Ark Pudinahas digestive and carminative activities
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Packaging Details : Information about Shelter Pudina Ark
It is used for treating abdominal pain, gas, nausea, upset stomach etc. This medicine is prepared by steam distillation of mint leaves. Ark is a solution containing volatile oils of medicinal herbs. Ark Pudina has digestive and carminative activities
Delivery Time : Two days - three days
Dryness of the body, skin drying is useful in acidity disease
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Delivery Time : Two days - three days