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Provides quick and precise measurements setting of CNC Tooling Pneumatic clamping for positive gripping Spindle taper: ISO 50 ISO 40 ISO 30 BT 50 BT 30 HSK 63 HSK 100 Work table is provided with storage facility more...
Pneumatic clamping for positive gripping. Spindle taper: ISO 50 ISO 40 ISO 30 BT 50 BT 30 HSK 63 HSK 100 HSK 50 HSK 40 Work table is provided with storage facility. Height Measuring Range: 400550 mm for tool set 1 and 2 respectively Maximum diameter: 300400 mm Presetter Accuracy: < 0.02 mm< 0.025 mm more...
The optical tool presetter, we manufacture is a tool presetting outside the machining center, which decreases downtime and increases productivity. We manufacture and supply, optical tool presetter known for superior quality. The optical tool presetter we supply is the best variety available in the market and more...