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Dimension (L*H*D) 130mm, 70mm, 110mm Weight 0.5 Kg. (Approx) OPERATING VOLTAGE 9V DC Single Battery (with Adapter) ROOM TEMPERATURE 10° to 40° C. MOISTURE 10% to 80% INTENSITY CONTROL INDEPENDENT FOR CH-1 & CH-2 (100V Peak to Peak) FREQUENCY 1-100 Hz COMMON FOR CH-1 & CH-2 Treatment Mode Plain & Interrupted more...
TENS features Therapy mode : Asymmetrical Bi-Phase Square Puls Dualchannels , Isolated between channels Amplitude current : 0-80mA peak to peak into 500 ohm load each Channel Frq : Adjustable 1-150 Hz for seprate both channel MS features Therapy mode : Int. Galvanic Faradic, & Surged Far more...
Elle Tens + is a variant with all properties of regular Elle Tens and Elle Tens 2 but with more added features including an extra part called “The Pelvic Floor Toner”. With the bonus of the pelvic floor toner called ‘Sensa Probe’, the ELLE TENS Plus machine takes pain management and recovery to new he more...