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For the best quality Solid Fuel Fired Hot Water Generator , we are the most preferred destination in the international market. These Solid Fuel Fired Hot Water Generators can be effectually operated with wood and coal. They are available in Vertical and Horizontal Smoke Tube Types. Advantages of our Solid Fue more...
Hot Water Generator, is the efficient and cost-effective way to generate hot water instantly. In this type, heat is passed from internal coiling system to the water inside tank and heat transfer application takes place. This type of operation demands lesser energy consumption. VEPL Hot water generator can be more...
Solar Water Heater Description But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects more...
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The Electric Hot Water Generator offered by us is fully automatic thus it is easy to operate. The coil type design of the generators makes them free from any explosion hazard. These Electric Hot Water Generators are accessible in Vertical as well as Horizontal Type. Advantages of our Electric Hot Water Gen more...
We are providing the solar water heater system which are two types one is evacuated tube collector (ETC) Solar water heater system and other is Flat Plate Collector (FPC) Solar Water Heater , storage Tank has glass lining coating and grafied coating for more durability, coated with puf , 3T gold standard Tube more...
Induction Heating Machine is used for brazing, preheating, Shrink Fitting, Hardening. Power of machine depends on job weight, size, Temperature required and time allotted for heating. We manufacture machines upto 50 kW and 20 kHz frequency. more...
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Available in different watts as per customer requirement. Customized design is possible more...
Litex is already supplying Twin Tube IR lamps from so many years in various types as per the need of customer. These types of Twin Tube lamps are A, B, C, ...etc. more...
We are offering aerotech heat pumps are energy efficient, compact in design, and trouble free. Manufactured under strict quality parameters, aerotech has wide acceptance in domestic and international markets. more...
Agni solar water heaters are a blessing, because not only do they provide instant hot water on demand, but they also reduce your electricity bills significantly. Now you can get hot water during non-sunny days too, because the insulated storage tank can be fitted with an optional heating element which will al more...
Solar Water Heater (ETC System) works on a simple principle 'Black body heat absorption principle'. The principle says, 'black colour absorbs maximum heat, more than any other colour'. Solar water heating systems using vacuum tubes made of borosilicate glass with special coating to absorb the solar energy are more...
Specifications Adjustable timer - 0-999 secs. with digital elapsed time indicator Heating cycle stop push button Time setting by Thumbwheel Overload protection by M.C.C.B. Supply on indicator Power output upto 30 kW Heating on indicator Buzzer Heating off indicator Trolly more...