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1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of Oil Management System and BERING TESTING.
Protech's Oil Dispenser is a microprocessor based oil dispensing system. It is fully automatic and safe device to dispense oil accurately to a preset value. It is programmable to meet the changing needs. It avoids wastage of oil, which in turns saves money and high customer satisfaction. It is Electro Pneumatically operated. All the operator has to do is set the predefined amount of oil to be dispensed and press the start key. The equipment automatically dispenses the predefined set amount of oil and beeps after the operation is over. The system can also be directly connected to the petrol dispensing nozzle.
Salient Features:Viking Computerized oil dispenser is specially designed for workshops and garages. This system dispenses the required quantity of oil directly into the vehicle from the barrel. The system contains the metering unit and is networked with computer for dispensing. The software in the computer sends the Job Card no, quantity of oil , type of oil , and the technicians authorized to take oil .The technician at the unit presents his RFID card (RFID card reader for technician identification (secured access)) , enters the job card no and picks up the nozzle .The system cross checks the information and if it matches the information sent by the software, it will dispense the quantity of oil programmed from the software. Once the programmed oil is dispensed, the data is sent to the Software in the computer. Each and every transaction is transferred to the computer. It maintains drop to drop accountability.
The barrel pump is pneumatically operated, a pipeline runs from barrel pump to the unit for supply of oil.
The is a microprocessor based system. It consists of an RS-485 communication Port, Oval Gear meter for metering with great accuracy, built in calibration, cumulative counter(for better accountability), a backlit LCD display, RFID card reader, a Non drip nozzle & a keypad ( 5 programmable preset keys & 5 control keys with life time warranty ). It has a built in barrel empty indicator. The System comes with a pneumatic pump which can be directly mounted on the barrel. Viking Computerized oil dispenser Viking Computerized oil dispenser has a facility to store 1, 000 transactions and connectivity to computer.
The Lube Management software records online each & every transaction and it generates reports for drop to drop accountability of lube at the back office computer. It enables the workshop manager to have control over oil usage to prevent oil loss and to have comprehensive records at hand for accountability.
Measuring the quantity of lubricants is a critical need in workshops and industrial plants. In some operations, the ability to conduct accurate measurements is so important that it can make the difference between making a profit or taking a loss. In other cases, inaccurate measurements or failure to take measurements can cause serious (or even disastrous) results.
Viking is a microprocessor based dispenser , it consist of a metering equipment and a pump which can be connected to a barrel . The pump is pneumatic operated. Suitable for dispensing engine oil, diesel oil, automatic transmission fluid and anti-freeze/anti-boil, with a maximum viscosity of SAE 140.
The measurement and logging of compressed air CFM is very important to ensuring a compressor is performing efficiently. It accurately estimate the amount of compressed air a particular compressor is producing, and this can related to the actual specification of what is the compressor was supposed to produce as per the manufacturer. In the past the measurement of flow was an inaccurate and very expensive exercise. Protech flow measurement technology has made thermal mass flow measurement very affordable and very easy to install for any organization, even for small systems. While the total accumulated air volume is important, the instantaneous lows tracked over time can reveal some system problems that can cause system performance deficiencies. For example, in a shift oriented plant with minimal weekend production the air flow at midnight on a Saturday might be a good indicator of system waste due to leakage and abandoned production machinery left to consume air when the machine is turned off.
The system measure the energy consumed KWH this is the key parameter in estimating the operation cost and also helps in the calculation of the KPI. These readings can be used in conjunction with flow measurement to keep track of system efficiency in terms of specific power The actual power consumption of a compressor is often a complete surprise. For example a recent measurement revealed a set of 55 kW rated aircooled screw compressors at an industrial site were consuming 70 kW each at full load and rated pressure. Still another 75 kW compressor was consuming 92 kW under the same conditions, and was consuming far more power than rated in the unloaded condition. This information was very useful to then as assumed that the units would be consuming no more than nameplate rating like other similar electrical equipment.
The measure the load and unload of the compressor. Power draw when fully unloaded varies from about 60% of full load power to about 30% of fullload power, depending on compressor design and on the length of time the compressor runs unloaded. This is a important parameter to monitor to help save energy. By logging this parameter necessary action can be taken to reduce unloading. It also calculated the amount of energy consumed during unloading.
So for higher pressure cutout set, we get less flow & at higher power consumption. For Less pressure cut out setting, we get more flow and at less power consumption. Please make use of these figures in industry "compress less & conserve more"If the pressure setting of a compressor is reduced by 1 kg/cm, the impact it will have on power consumption reduction by 610%.
When the temperature of the inlet air to the compressor raises by 8C the Power consumption increases by 2%.
This help in performing your maintenance work.
This tell you how much your air intake filter is clogged .If there is a clogging of the filter, it will effect the compression ratio and in turn will increase the power consumption of the compressor. As thumb rule "For every 0.355 Psi pressure drop increase across at the suction path due to choked filters, the compressor power consumption increases by about 2 % for the same output".
Protech CMS has made the monitoring of key compressed air performance indicators (KPI's) possible now than ever before. Compressed Air KPI's: With regard to the performance of compressed air powered compressed air equipment the most important indicator is definitely system pressure. But other aspects of the system are important as well. Knowing the cost of producing the air is important too, especially with rising electricity rates. This means the power consumption of compressors and associated equipment is an important factor. So too is a measurement of the compressed air flow produced by the air production equipment. Once power input and output flow are measured system specific power can be calculated which is an indicator of how efficiently your equipment produces air for a given energy unit input.
The Key Performance Indicator (KPI): kW/100 cfm The Protech CMS can produce reports on different areas, we recommend that managers focus on Key Performance Indicator (KPI): kW/100 cfm. This represents how much energy (in kW) is used to deliver how much air flow (cfm). The Protech CMS provides the tools required to monitor this KPI for each air compressor. This will also tell the cost of each CFM.
The system can be used as leak tester and also calculate the losses due to leak. This can be done by closing all the usage point and check how much CFM is lost. A distribution system of 100 PSI of pressure, running 12 hour a day with a leak of
Protech introduces the new space age electronic tyre pressure gouge for the first time in India with technical know how from U.S A In the current automobile market most of the automobiles are fitted with state of the art suspension system To get excellent performance of the automobile accurate tyre pressure is mandatory. Protech's electronic tyre pressure gauge provides the required accuracy as suggested by the tyre manufacturers
Protech's electronic tyre pressure gauge once installed at your centre, you need not frequently calibrate or replace it as is the case with traditional analog gauges. Protech's electronic gauge pays for itself in the long run because analog gauges require frequent replacements and are unreliable Even after measuring the tyre pressure in more than 5 lakhs tyres, the performance of Protech's electronic tyre pressure gauge remains the same. It is absolutely maintenance free and weather resistant.
The BTA is a perfect tool for alignment. It is easy to use and much quicker than old techniques. An easily visible laser line projected on to the Targets allows you to quickly ascertain and correct the misalignment of sheave and pulley. When The tale slats, the machines m the right position The result is a fast and accurate alignment.
Immediately after you switch on the BTA, a laser line will be projected on to the targets, which show the vertical and horizontal misalignment at the same time. You can watch your moves live during the alignment procedure
Moreover, the alignment can be done by a single operator, which saves precious man-hours. Therefore this can be your most cost effective maintenance tool
With BTA you can save valuable money and energy (power) by reducing belt/sheave wear and vibrations. You can increase available machine time by costly machine downtime due to sheave and pulley misalignments.
With Belt Laser Alignment Tool. you can reduce belt/sheave wear and reduce vibrations. Reduce costly "downtime" arc a-33thavon delays due to the conventional "string and straight edge" method of alignment. All this can be done by a single machine
Bearing Echo Meter M-900 evaluates the operating condition of all ball and roller bearings. Bearings account for the latest number of rotating components in an industry and its healthy running can ensure productivity of the plant. An ingenuity developed centuries back still accounts for the highest amount of machine problems. A proper bearing, correct installation and smooth operation are the ways out, but to ensure its smooth operation, we need a constant watch.
BEARING ECHO METER M-900is one step forward, a tool in hand to diagnose the operating condition of bearing, enabling you to overcome your costly downtime.
Bearing Echo Meter M-900is a microprocessor based, simple to use, rugged and highly reliable instrument. It is an inseparable aid to you.
Bearing Echo Meter M-900has got an additional feature for measuring temperature.
Bearing Echo Meter M-900can store 250 readings and these readings can be displayed, printed out by connecting it to any printer (Parallel interface) and can be transferred to a computer (RS-232 port).
Maynard's M-2021T Bearing Tester is a handy, quick, preventive maintenance bearing monitoring instrument for on-the-spot checking and evaluation of the condition of all the ball and roller bearings. A regular check / monitoring on bearing condition to evaluate, foresee and reveal developing faults at a very early stage to avoid any kind of unforeseen production loss or plant breakdown.
For bearing monitoring, Bearing tester will provide you with the right information instantaneously anywhere and anytime. The information which allows effective action plan to improve plant efficiency, optimize production and reduce downtime
Microprocessor based Maynard's M-2021T Bearing Tester works on echo (shock) pulse method. Bearing Tester gives a direct evaluation of the bearing operating condition while it is still running in a simple and easy to evaluate color coded zone conditions. Green zone for GOOD operation condition, Yellow zone for REDUCED operating condition and Red zone for BAD operating condition of the bearing at a quick glance apart from numeric values.