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Testing Equipments
2 Products availableTesting Equipment
2 Products availablePH Meter
1 Products availableConductivity Meter
1 Products availableFEATURES:
Basic Mode
To measure the Absorbance and transmittance
DNA/Protein Test
Concentration and DNA purity are quickly and easily calculated: Absorbance rations: 260 nm / 280 nm with optional subtracted absorbance at 320 nm. DNA concentration = 62.9XA260-36.0XA280 Protein concentration = 1552xA260-757.3xA 280
Wavelength Scan
Abs vs time graphs is displayed on the screen in real-time wait time and measurement time up to 12 hours may be entered with time interval of 0.5,1,2,5,10,30 seconds and one min. Post-run manipulation includes re-scaling, curve tracking and selection of the part of the curve required for rate calculation. Rate is calculated using a linear regression algorithm before multiplying be the entered factor.
Can display wavelength, abosption and transmittance with 5 results per screen. It also has a memory store of up to 200 results.
Users set wavelength automatically through arrow keys to avoid operation errors.
Equipped with a 2.5 LCD screen to give a clear display of standard curves and group of results.
Microprocessor KF Moisture Titrator – 1760 is the finest volumetric titrator available. It uses the latest microcontroller technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility. The system has user friendly prompts which guide you throughout the titration process. This titrator eliminates the use of conventional delicate and fragile glass burettes and plunger systems. It uses a highly sensitive motorized dispensing system for precise control of titrant volumes. This titrator analyses the moisture concentration of liquid samples, powder, fine particles and fiber samples that are soluble in alcohol or solvents. The moisture content is displayed in ppm, %age and mg H2O.
The system has 24 soft touch membrane type keys for ease of operation. Complete numeric keypad is provided so as to feed the values of sample, density, titer factor, date, time etc. comfortable. The End Point indication is given by both visual LED and audible alarm. The titrator has the facility for automatically calculating the titer factor of the Karl Fischer reagent. It uses the repeated averaging method so as to give the most accurate titer value. It has the storage facility of date, time, batch no. and final results of 20 titrations using the FIFO method. The internal battery backup provision has been made to store the results and the other titration parameters for a minimum of 1 month even if the instrument is not switched ON. Provision for external printer attachment is available so that any of the stored results can be printed even at a later stage.
Accessories: Dual Platinum Electrode, Built-In Magnetic Stirrer, 250ml Bottle for Methanol, 10 Syringe, Adapter for KF Reservoir, Set of Dispenser Tubes, Bottle Container, Dust Cover, Titration Vessel with Teflon Cover, Teflon Coated Magnetic Stirring Capsule, 250 ml Reservoir Bottle for KF Solution, 250 ml bottle for Calcium Chloride, Adapter for Methanol Reservoir Bottle, Set of Connecting Tubes, Main Lead, Instruction Manual
Features :
Features :
Prolab India Offers:
Advanced Touchscreen Glp/gmp/21 cfr Compliance Micro Balance With Infrared Sensors for Handsfree Operation.radwag Mya 4y Series Micro-balances is designed to meet the highest requirements for determination of mass.measurement reliability and accuracy are maintained by system of automatic internal adjustment / calibration.
5g Readability: 1 µg (0. 001mg/0. 000001g)
Micro balances comprise two major components (an electronic module and a precise mechanical measuring system are enclosed separately).The design eliminates the influence of heat sourcing from instrument's electronics on its mechanical components and additionally protects it from shocks and brations caused by users operating the instrument.All the elements of a micro balance are made of glass and steel which eliminates the influence of electrostatics on weighing process.
Dosing, check-weighing, percent setup, statistics, formulation, glp procedures auto test, infrared sensors.
Infrared proximity sensors:
optional functions: print function, tare function, sensor's sensitivity adjustment.
Electronic level indicator:
Functions: alarm function, graphic level indicator, programmable acceptable tilts
Data exchange through usb storage devices :
update balance software, export weighing data, export/import of data bases, export/import of balance settings, exchange data between balances.
Communication interfaces:
Ethernet, 2×rs 232, 2×usb, additional display port.
Microprocessor Based pH-EC-TDS Meter model 1615 is a solid state instrument designed for precise pH, EC, TDS and Temperature measurements. The instrument uses the latest microprocessor technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enchanced accuracy and reproducibility. The system has user friendly prompts, which guide you throughout the measurement process.
The instrument has 8 soft touch membrane type keys for ease of operation. It has the storage facility for 1000 samples, which are retained in the memory even when the system is switched Off. Provision has also been made for attachment of any dot matrix / thermal printer with serial RS 2323 interface so that any of the stored result can be printed.
The instrument is extremely useful for chemical & pharmaceutical inustry, agriculture and soil laboratories, swimming pools, water quality control in boiler feed water, water works department, fertilizer plants, petroleum refineries, breweries, water purification plants etc.
Accessories: pH Combination Electrode, pH Buffer Tablets (4.00 & 7.00 pH), Conductivity/TDS Cell, Temperature Probe, Electrode Stand, 12V Adaptor, Operation Manual, Dust Cover.
Moisture analyzer series MAR features:
Infrared proximity sensors
Data exchange through usb storage devices
Communication interfaces
As.r Analytical Balance Features :
Databases In R Series Balances:
In new AS.R series balances the information system is based on 5 databases, which allows for several users to work with several products databases, and the registered weighing results can be subject to further analysis.
The data is registered in 5 databases:
users (up to 10 users), - products (up to 1000 products), - weighments (up to 1000 weighments), - tares (up to 10 tares), - ALIBI memory (up to 100 000 weighments).
There is two directions data exchange within the system thanks to a quick USB interface. New balances allow to import and export databases using USB pen drives.
Quick access to information:
Direct access to functions and databases is possible from the level of keyboard.Database – a direct access to databasisFunction - a direct access to the basic functionsF1 to F4 – programmable function and navigation keys on the menu
ALIBI memory:
The used ALIBI memory is a data secure area and allows to record up to 100 000 weighment records. It ensures security of constant data register in the long time period.
Automatic Internal Time & Temperature Controlled Calibration With External & User Calibration Facility.
GLP/GMP : GLP/GMP Compliance With Working Data Base With Inbuilt Date & Time
Large easy to read LCD:
New LCD display with enlarged characters allows for a clearer display of measurement results.
Auto-Cal System:
Auto-Cal system is a tool for control and correction, which allows accurate weighing regardless of changes in temperature, the position of the balance or changing environmental conditions.
Operating temperature range:
A wide operating temperature range does not require continuous monitor and control of room temperature, which affects the accuracy of the balance.
Easy exchange of data:
Exchange of data within the system takes place bidirectionally with the use of fast USB connection. New balances enable importing and exporting of databases to external Pendrives.
Fast access to information:
Communication interface:
The exchange of database information between the devices has become even easier thanks to two USB ports (type A and B) and Wi-Fi technology.
Additional information line:
New information line allows for additional messages and information, for instance: product name or tare value.
Configurable printouts:
In the new R-series balances the weighment reports are divided into 3 configurable sections, each of which can be fully customized content-wise.
The new R-series balances work with the printers that support PCL protocol. The printers are connected with the balances via USB port.
Features :
Fast access to information:
Communication interface:
The exchange of database information between the devices has become even easier thanks to two USB ports (type A and B) and Wi-Fi technology.
Microprocessor Friability Apparatus, Model 1902 measures the tendency of a tablet to chip or breakdown to pieces when held under mechanical stresses. Instrument uses the latest microcontroller technology and advanced engineering techniques so as to give enhanced accuracy and reproducibility. System is equipped with 4 line alphanumeric LCD display with backlit and 16 number of soft touch membrane type keys. The friability tester can be operated using only one or two drums. The rotational speed of drums can be set at different speeds (20-60 RPM). The samples can be loaded conveniently without removing the drums and after the test completion the samples are automatically unloaded to the collection tray.
To eliminate the manual input of weight of samples the facility of connecting a weighing scale is also available. When weighing scale is connected the weight of samples is automatically recorded to the instrument from the weighing balance. The test can be performed in two different modes Time or Count mode. The instrument stores the test parameters, readings and results simultaneously in the memory which are retained even after the power is switched OFF. Provision has also been made for attachment of a printer so as to provide hard-copy printouts of test data, including the time, date and calculated results.