Low Surface energy hence high wetting power. Better spreading leading to better protection. Better protection leading to better yield. Improves coverage of the spray both in....
Improves coverage of the spray both in the soil and on plant surfaces.
Herbicide or insecticide retention on plant surfaces can be increased, extending control and contact.
Assists in suspension of wettable powder preparations for even distribution throughout the solution.
Helps reduce excess water in root zone by allowing deeper penetration. Reduces evaporation.
Enhances leaf cuticle permeability, increasing rate of penetration of herbicide through the leaf especially in dry weather.
Helps condition liquid nitrogen fertilizers to accept pesticide formulations.
Virtually eliminates foaming problems in the tank.
Helps reduce erosion.
Helps retention of valuable top soil.
Moisture is more readily absorbed into the soil with deeper penetration, less runoff.
Keeps sprayer clean, lubricates pump and sprayer nozzles.
Superior root development may be realized do to greater moisture availability in the rootzone.
Mixes completely in seconds.
Turbospread 100 was designed primarily for use with agricultural chemicals applied from a water base spray, including wettable powders, water soluble mixtures and oil-in-water concentrates. When used in agro chemicals Turbospread 100 provides uniform wetting and coverage. When used in a herbicide solution Turbospread 100 assures superior control while practically eliminating foaming and incompatibility problems in the spraying system.
A Unique Anti-Foam System.
Save up to 40% per acre in spray solutions.
This amazing, new multi-purpose wetting agent cuts costs.