The test rig consists of a GI pipe line fitted with a set of gunmetal venturimeter and orificemeter of size 25mm(1"), and of d/D Ratio = 0.6. The flow meters are provided with pressure tappings with....
The test rig consists of a GI pipe line fitted with a set of gunmetal venturimeter and orificemeter of size 25mm(1"), and of d/D Ratio = 0.6. The flow meters are provided with pressure tappings with quick change over cocks. A differential manometer (without mercury) is provided to measure the pressure difference across the venturimeter/orificemeter to be tested. The pressure tappings are connected to a common manifold which in turn is connected to the manometer. A strong iron stand is provided for supporting the pipe lines. A stop watch and an M.S. collecting tank of size 90 liters. with a gauge glass scale fitting, a drain valve and a bend are provided to measure the actual flow rate.
A 220 volt AC, 0.5 HP, single phase monoblock ISI pumpset with suitable pipe fittings, strainer foot valve, and switch is provided to supply water to the test rig.
A sump tank of size 200 liters with suitable drain is provided to store the water. A strong iron stand fitted with wheels supports the complete test rig. The unit is moveable. All tanks are provided with FRP lining for total rust protection.