UV-VIS CUVETTES SPECIFICATIONSWindow Thickness 1.25 mm Beam Height (Z-dimension) 8.5 mm and 11 mm Optical Glass Spectral Range 334 to 2500 nm Far UV Quartz Spectral Range 170 to 2700 nm NIR Quartz Spectral Range 220 to 3800 nm
We offer a selection of most popular cuvettes, vialsand cell holders used in the field of UV-Vis spectrophotometry.The cuvettes are manufactured using a heat fusing method whichensures that they are fused into a single homogeneous unit.Cuvettes are carefully annealed to remove any residual strainfor maximum cell integrity and physical strength. The cells can be used with most solvents and acidic solutions.Hydrofluoric acid (HF) and strong bases (pH >9) will negativelyaffect the cell surfaces.