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Triphala Extract, for Rejuvenating Agents, GIT Protective Agents

Listing ID #3945118

  • Botanical NameTriphala Extract
  • UsageRejuvenating Agents, GIT Protective Agents
  • Product UsageLaxative, Detoxificant, rejuvenating tonic
  • Common NameTriphala (Terminalia Chebula, Terminalia Belerica, Emblica Officinale - 1
  • AssayTannins 40 % (Titration)
  • Supply Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
  • Preferred Buyer Location All over the world
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  • Member Since 6 Years
  • Nature of Business Retailer

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Description :

Triphala Extract is an Ayurvedic traditional generic medicine that is popular as rasayana or the rejuvenator.Triphala is the combination of three wonderful herbs Emblica Officinalis, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia belerica in equal quantity. Triphala Extract is used to balance the doshas (the elements of body and mind), especially it pacifies vitiated Kapha/pitta and enhance the process of digestion and elimination. The General tonic is also known to aid in the removal of toxins from the digestive system.Due to laxative and carminative action, Triphala churna helps in constipation, flatulence, gas, and abdominal distension.
Triphala helps to approach weight loss in a different way; rather than focusing on eating less and exercising more, this Extract works to cleanse the digestive system and promote healthy nutritional uptake. The more capable your body is at absorbing nutrients from the food you eat, the less your body will indicate hunger and compel you to eat.
Triphala is rich in vitamin C, which is a boon to the immune system and a potent antioxidant. It is also rich in bioflavonoids, phyto chemicals which are reported to speed healing in certain cases.Due to these compounds, Triphala Extract is effective in delaying aging, maintaining skin health, and preventing premature greying &hair fall and reducing oxidative stress in the body.It is also useful for maintaining good eyesight, reducing its cell damage.

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‘Growing with Herbs’ – that literally defines our existence.
Today S.A. Herbal Bioactives LLP is managed by Mr. Ankit Aggarwal (Managing Director) and a Fifth Generation holding.
This company is committed and determined to offer quality products without any concession. We are exporting to more than 100 plus botanical extracts worldwide. We have gained immense reputation among our local as well as overseas clients due to our business commitments and delivery of quality products. We have been exporting more than 500 varieties of herbs. We also
import herbs and acquired a reputation for sourcing and supplying rare herbs throughout the year, to meet our customer needs.
To stay par above the league we keep striving to improve ourselves with regular training of staffs, installation of complete state of art infrastructure, complying with all legal aspects, and committed to customers enquires.
Quality Assurance
An ingredient supplier to Pharmaceutical, Dietary Supplement, Food, Health care, Ayurvedic and Cosmetics industry. and also render customized development and production service to meet our customer needs. We also import herbs and have acquired a reputation for sourcing and supplying rare herbs throughout the year, to meet our customer needs.
Our organisation has set up a state of the art Analytical Laboratory to carry out various types of analysis as well as R&D work related to Herbal products. It is equipped with the latest high performance instruments such as HPLC, UV visible spectrophotometer etc. to meet customers satisfactions.
  • Nature of Business Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer
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