Seed Treatment: Mix 100 ml of Trichoiforte with 4% Jaggery or any biological sticking agent solution. Mix the seeds required for 1 acre uniformly and dry it in shade.
Seedling Root Dip: Mix 500 ml with required quantity of water & dip 1 acre seedling's root portion for 15 minutes.
Field Application: Mix 1000 ml of Trichoiforte with Bio compost or deoiled cakes & broadcast in the acre.
Foliar Spray: Dilute 5ml of Trichoiforte with 1 liter water required for one acre based on the foliage intensity and spray- preferably during evening hours.
Drip Irrigation: 1 lit. Trichoiforte for 1 acre apply through drip.
Method of Application: Mix Trichoiforte in 200 liter water and add 2 kg Jaggery (gul) in it. Keep it overnight. Spray in the evening after 24 hours.
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