For determining the triaxial shear strength of soil specimens of 28mm diameter. The length to diameter ratio of sample is 1:2 Specification : One loading unit, for single unit, for single cell....
For determining the triaxial shear strength of soil specimens of 28mm diameter. The length to diameter ratio of sample is 1:2
Specification : One loading unit, for single unit, for single cell mounting, capacity 5 tonnes. Supplied with motorised load frame. The loading unit is supplied with one dial gauge bracket. One Triaxial Cell for 38 mm dia specimen, stationary bushing. Lateral Pressure assembly. 0-10kg/cm sq. complete with foot pump and rubber hose. One dial gauge 0.01 mm X 25 mm for strain measurement. One high sensitive Proving Ring, capacity 200/250 kg with Calibration Report and carrying case. Accessories: High sensitivity Proving Ring, capacity 1000 kg. complete with calibration report and carrying case.
Salient Features
Triaxial Shear Test Apparatus (Motorised) Single Speed : Same as above, supplied with motorised load frame. The load frame supplied with this outfit is bench mounting type motorised load frame of 5000 kgf having constant rate of strain 1.25 mm/min. Suitable for operation on 230 Volts A.C.
Triaxial Shear Test Apparatus (Motorised) 3 Speed :
Universal Triaxial Shear Apparatus (Motorised) 6 Speed : For determining the triaxial shear strength of soil specimens of 38 mm, 50 mm, 75 mm and 100 mm. Consists of: One load frame 5000 kgf motorised, constant six rates of strain type, giving the following rates of strain. 1.25, 0.25, 0.05, 0.01,0.002,0.0004 mm/min. Load frame is supplied with a dial gauge bracket. Universal Triaxial Cell (Stationary Bushing) 10 kg/cm.sq. One Lateral Pressure assembly 0-10 kg/cm.sq complete with foot pump and rubber hose. One high sensitivity Proving Ring capacity 1000 kg.One strain dial guage 0.01 X 25 mm. Suitable for operation on 230 Volts A.C.