FeatureNon Harmful, No Added Color, Natural Taste, Mogara Fragrance, High Quality, Good Purity
Packaging TypeBox
Packaging Size25 Gm
Shelf Life12 Months
Country of OriginMade In India
Ashtagandha Used is a used in Shodashopchar Pooja of deities Ashtagandha is SANSKRIT word. Ashta =Eight, Gandh=fragrance.
As its name says Ashtagandha is mixture of eight difference items: Golochan, Kapoor (braas), Haldi, Kesar, Itra, Kumkum, Kapoor kachil, Vedic talismans(yantra’s)
Perfect for God Pooja-Path
Tilak cover the spot between the eyebrows, which is the seat of memory and thinking. Tilak is applied with the prayer - "May I remember the Lord.
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Delivery Time7 days
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