Plant Container Sterilised PressCap Disposable Conical. Wide Mouth Disposable Container for Plant Culture Storage with Screw Cap, Dia.=69 mm X Ht.=81.5 mm, Neck O.D.=69.5 mm X I.D.=67 mm. Autoclovable, Wide Mouth Container, PPPlant Culture Storage, Leak Proof Containers, Dia.=69 mm X Ht.=81.5 mm, Neck O.D.=69.5 mm X I.D.67=mm. Wide Mouth Polycarbonate Container for Plant Culture Storage, with Screw Cap, Dia.=69 mm X Ht.=81.5 mm, Neck O.D.=69.5 mm X I.D.=67 mm. C184