Access to the physical market prices of agriculture commodities prevailing in the designated and surrounding mandis. Access to futures prices of agriculture commodities discovered through a....
Access to the physical market prices of agriculture commodities prevailing in the designated and surrounding mandis.
Access to futures prices of agriculture commodities discovered through a transparent price discover process in the Commodity Exchanges.
Integration of rural, urban and global agricultural markets.
Increased awareness about quality standards of various agricultural crops and the value it fetches.
Rising investment in market-related infrastructure (e.g. standardization/quality testing/warehousing)
Expected future prices of commodities know in advance (A farmer can plan his crop and sales by looking at prices prevailing in the futures market)
Access to a National Reference Price of agricultural commodities.
Futures market-a new addition to the concept of marketing through electronic trading platform
A well organized and well functioned futures sensitizes the whole value chain of the commodity to compete on global level
The National Exchanges would upload physical market prices (polled price) and futures prices of agriculture commodities discover by the Commodity Exchanges and AGMARKNET prices into a central server at the Exchange from where it would be transmitted to the APMCs via the internet / leased line.