Description: The Tibicen Angelfish, is also referred to as the Melas Angelfish or Keyhole Angelfish. A sharp dresser, with their black coloration, white vertical saucer shape or keyhole in the....
Description: The Tibicen Angelfish, is also referred to as the Melas Angelfish or Keyhole Angelfish. A sharp dresser, with their black coloration, white vertical saucer shape or keyhole in the center, a glowing blue outline on the finnage, and finally bright yellow on the pelvic and anal fins
Minimum Tank Size: Provide a 50 gallon or larger tank. Like all mini angels provide live rock with holes and caves for hiding and grazing. To do well, the Tibecen angelfish needs to be kept in a reef type aquaria. We would not suggest a fish only tank without live rock because they need the live rock type of tank to survive long term. This is commonly due to specialized diet requirements that reef aquaria provide, in the way of naturally occurring micro-crustacean populations, but in some cases, may simply be due to the more complete natural ecosystem found in reef tanks
Feeding and Diet: In a saltwater aquarium they should be given a balanced diet. Variety is important, feed them foods from a wide range of food groups including Spirulina, marine algaes, one of the quality frozen
angelfish preparations on the market, along with mysis or frozen shrimp, and other meaty items
Reef Compatibility: Generally safe, but may nip at corals, clams, etc