DescriptionFruit-deobstruent,Bark-used as a cardioprotective and cardiotonic in angina and poor coronary circulation,as a diuretic in cirrhosis of liver and for symptomatic relief in hypertensions;externally in skin diseases,hepes & leukoderma
UsesRecommends the powder of the stembark in emaciation, chest diseases,cardiac disorders,lipid imbalances & Polyuria
Active IngredientArjunolic acid,Terminic acid,arjunetin,oligomeric pronathocyanidins
English NameArjun
DescriptionFruit-deobstruent,Bark-used as a cardioprotective and cardiotonic in angina and poor coronary circulation,as a diuretic in cirrhosis of liver and for symptomatic relief in hypertensions;externally in skin diseases,hepes & leukoderma
Common NameMarudam
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