Sugar Free Glitter Pearls are resistant in the sugar solution at high temperature, Sugar Free Glitter Pearls release high impact flavor for regular and coated gums. The chewing gums then can be....
Sugar Free Glitter Pearls are resistant in the sugar solution at high temperature, Sugar Free Glitter Pearls release high impact flavor for regular and coated gums. The chewing gums then can be coated with glitter further to get a very appealing visual impact. Sugar Free Product and Low Carbohydrate Products are difficult to formulate products and often leave food technologists very little room fordecorative sprinkles to make products more attractive. You can add these pearl and sweetness without impacting the nutritional label. The major applications are in Cake decoration, Cake cream dacor, Bake dacor, Ice cream decoration, Cookie decoration, Chocolate decoration, Cup cake decoration, Health drink decoration,Yogurt decoration, Curd decoration, Cheese decoration, Puff decoration, Donut decoration, Bread decoration, Snack decoration, Candy decoration, Biscuit decoration, Centre cream filled biscuit decoration, Chewing gum decoration, Flavored cake decoration, Ice cream biscuits, etc.