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    Su-babool Tree Seeds ( Leucaena Leucocephala )

    • Brand NameSeeds
    • Supply TypeSupplier
    • Preferred Buyer Location All over the world

    We are offering su babool tree seeds. Scientific name:- leucaena leucocephala shape:- flatoval size:-0 .5 - 0.8 cm color: -brownish red usage: - germination (not for oil extraction) age: -fresh(less....
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    We are offering su babool tree seeds. Scientific name:- leucaena leucocephala
    shape:- flatoval
    size:-0 .5 - 0.8 cm
    color: -brownish red
    usage: - germination (not for oil extraction)
    age: -fresh(less than a year, good for germination)
    origin: - india
    packing: -5, 10,20,25,50 (pp)
    category:- tree forestry seeds
    scientific name: eucalyptus globulus
    common name: tasmanian blue gum
    family : myrtaceae
    eucalyptus globulus is an aromatic tree. Commonly attains a height of 150-180 ft. (45.7-54.9 m) and a diameter of 4-7 ft. (1.2-2.1 m). It has a straight trunk up to two-thirds of its total height and a well-developed crown. While eucalyptus logs are cut faster than yew logs, they can take time to sell so higher leveled players often tend to move on from eucalyptus logs.
    blue gum timber is yellow-brown, fairly heavy, with an interlocked grain, and is difficult to season. It has poor lumber qualities due to growth stress problems, but can be used in construction, fence posts and poles.
    essential oil
    the leaves are steam distilled to extract eucalyptus oil. E.globulus is the primary source of global eucalyptus oil production, with china being the largest commercial producer. The oil has therapeutic, perfumery, flavoring, antimicrobial and biopesticide properties. Oil yield ranges from 1.0-2.4% (fresh weight), with cineole being the major isolate. E.globulus oil has established itself internationally because it is virtually phellandrene free, a necessary characteristic for internal pharmaceutical use. In 1870, cloez, identified and ascribed the name “eucalyptol” — now more often called cineole — to the dominant portion of e. Globulus oil.
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