Features : 7 -Tank Galvanizing process for better adhesion and uniformity of zinc coating Single dip galvanizing process for better finishing In house load testing facility available. Segments are welded by Submerged Arc Welding process for uniform and proper welding strength. Material: Shaft - High tensile sheet/Plate Equivalent to BSEN 10025 - 2004/IS 2062 - 2011 Gr.E350BR, IS 5986:2011 Gr 355. Base Plate- As per IS 2062 -2011 Gr.E250A. Design - As Per IS 875 Part-3:2015, IS 800:2007,IS 6533 - 1989 (P-2)/ BS 5649 : 1985/EN 40, ILE TR-7:2000