Used for Stacking of goods & materials from ground level to upper height of Warehouses.
Deliver height varies as per requirement & ranges from 2 mtr to 7 mtr Stacking height from ground level.
Efficient Transportation of Agro Product, rice, wheat, sugar, flour Bags, cement industry, dairy products, logistics, etc.
Vehicle Loading and Unloading for all applications ranging from Bags, Boxes, Crates, Cartons, Oil Tins, Oil Drums, Barrels, etc. from one place to desired place in Warehouses.
Portable Conveyor mounted on Solid tyre & Castor wheels for easy and fast maneuverability.
Equipped with Hydraulic cylinder & Power pack for variable height adjustment depending on Site conditions at a controlled rate.
Easy to use, hence Increases Operator Efficiency.
Reduce Human fatigue.
Reduce Manpower, and saves Valuable Time.
Excellent design, runs Smoothly.
360 degree movability.
Lowest maintenance cost.
Conveyor manufacture & Design as per Site Conditions & requirements, thus we offer 100 % Customized Product.