SPIC EM POWER Granules eM POWER is an organic nutrient not only to the crop, but also to the soil. eM POWER is collectively combined with Humic, Fulvic and Amino acids in an excellent ratio. eM....
eM POWER is an organic nutrient not only to the crop, but also to the soil.
eM POWER is collectively combined with Humic, Fulvic and Amino acids in an excellent ratio.
eM POWER is a neutral organic product to provide soil and crop with concentrated dose of essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.
eM POWER is available in granular and liquid form.
Benefits of eM POWER:
1.Physical properties:
Improves the Structure and Texture of the soil.
Helps in loosening the soil, thereby better aeration and better growth of the plants.
Increases the water holding capacity of soil and thus helps in drought situation.
Because of the presence of Humic, Fulvic and amino acids, high amount of humus gets deposited in the soil which helps in absorption of the sun light energy.
Prevents water and nutrient losses in light and sandy soils.
2.Chemical properties:
Increases the soil buffering properties.
Improves and optimizes the adsorption of water and nutrients by plants.
Acts as neutral chelator for metallic ions under alkaline conditions and promote their uptake by the roots.
Retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduce their leaching.
Rich in both organic and mineral substances which are essential for plant growth.
Possesses extremely high cation-exchange capacities.
Contains rich in both organic and mineral substances essential for the plant growth.