Rugged Heavy Duty industriol acoustical sound enclosures designed to attenuate mechanical noise generated from fans, blowers, motors, Compressors, turbines and....
Rugged Heavy Duty industriol acoustical sound enclosures designed to attenuate mechanical noise generated from fans, blowers, motors, Compressors, turbines and pumps.
• Internally lined with sound Absorption materials
• Ready to install with inlet and discharge outlets
• Optional recirculation fans to remove waste heat and control temperature rise within enclosures.
• Optionol Inspection doors and louvres
• Special coatings, Stainless Steel or Aluminium construction also available
• Weather proof enclosures conforming to lP55 / lP56 also mode to suit specific requirements.
Fire Retardant FRP Tilt Trolley
These Fire Retardant FRP bins and Trolleys ore consiructed from structurol fibergloss composite ond moulded in a single piece construciion. Resistoni to ocids, olkolis ond most chemicols they serye os on ideol replacemeni to the existing plostic bins which ore subsceptible io fire hozords.
• Rugged Fire Retardant fibergloss composite wont rust corrode or melt
• Sleek Compact design, holds more yet fits most doorwoys ond elevotors
• Two main wheels ore oversized to facilitate easy movement on rough terroins twin rear costors provide greater corrying capacity
• Solid heavy duiy steel axle held by on integerally moulded tube into the body of the cort
• Trolleys wiih Hinged lids optional
• Mounted bins supported on steel structures duly powder cooted