It was developed by BLINEX FILTER-COAT PVT LTD in 1978 for the first time in India remarkable Single And Multiple Candle Plastic Filter Housing . The cartridge is of Polypropylene and available....
It was developed by BLINEX FILTER-COAT PVT LTD in 1978 for the first time in India remarkable Single And Multiple Candle Plastic Filter Housing . The cartridge is of Polypropylene and available form 0.5 to 250 microns. The range of Industrial Non-metallic Housing/System offers an economical answer to low flow requirements. Non-metallic housings are available in a number of materials of construction to suit a range of chemical applications. These strong industrial designed housings are ideally suited for use for flows of potable water. The unit is polycarbonate bowl with ABS cap. Properties:
Filter the finest suspended particles.
The cartridges have uniform pore size, smooth surface, lightweight, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, resistant to shocks and impacts.
The unit withstands the pressure upto 150 PSI.
The flow rate form 4 to 15 LPM in different microns cartridge.
Typical Application:
Air regulators filters
Aquarium Aerators
Breather vents Marker tip
Controlled metering devices
Foaming devices
Water conditioning filters
Pneumatic mufflers
Filtration support media
Battery flame arrestors
ETO vents
Chromatography frits
Production of defined foams Introduction of oxygen into water
Stripping of solvents
Silencing the insulation Diaphragms for electrochemical processes.
Application On Various End Uses: Filtration of domestic and industrial water, air, gas, oil, syrups, electroplating and photography solution
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