Colour and appearance :Red to cherry red fine powder
Effects & Properties :
To cure the coronary heart disease, to improve the coronary artery circulation.
Anti-infection, anti-inflammatory.
Effective for the acne and comedo.
Treatment of hepatitis and lepra disease.
Uses :
Blood circulation problems.
Chest pain and other heart diseases.
Menstrual problems.
Abdominal masses.
Sleeplessness (insomnia) due to chest complaints.
Skin conditions.
Chronic liver inflammation (hepatitis).
Wound healing.
Other conditions.
Botanical Source : Radix Salvia miltiorrhiza; Salvia miltiorrhiza B. (Salvia miltiorrhiza BUNGE,Labiatae,Tanshen) Botanical Synoms : Red-Rooted Salvia,Dan Shen,chinese danshen,Red Sage,red sage main,Red-rooted Sage,Chinese sage,Red Ginseng,Tan-Shen,Tzu Tan-Ken(roots of purple sage),Hung Ken(red roots),Shu-Wei Ts'ao(rat-tail grass),Ch'ih Shen(scarlet sage),Pin-Ma Ts'ao(horse-racing grass).,if still not apparent, please read: Differentiation from transliteration:the Wade-Giles transliteration of danshen is tan-shen,hence the quinones from Radix Salvia miltiorrhiza(danshen) were known as tanshinones,others such as tanshinone IIA,etc. Introductions : Salvia miltiorrhiza; Salvia miltiorrhiza B.Salvia(chinese danshen)here symbolizes the main of Salvia miltiorrhiza (Figure as following:Salvia Main,Radix Salvia miltiorrhiza), sometimes described as China suppliers sage or red sage main. Any organic natural herb of the Salvia genus may be known as sage, but most people are familiar with the common garden plant-and the common Western kitchen herb-obtained from Salvia officinalis. There are essential modifications in healing elements of the includes and origins of the Salvia plants that effect their uses. The Western sage basically leaves is used medicinally to treat dyspepsia and excessive perspiration. The includes of Salvia plebia (lichicao) and the whole position of Salvia chinensis (shijianchuan) are used medicinally by the China suppliers, but infrequently; the former is said to treat swelling and turbid pee, the latter treats mounds and strikes. Salvia main (danshen), as used in China suppliers drugs and the subject of the rest of the information, is different in features from the other sage organic herbs, despite the organic relationship. Active Constituents : The main efficient elements of salvia are diterpene quinones, known as tanshinones (the Wade-Giles transliteration of danshen is tan-shen, hence the quinones were known as tanshinones). Most of these ingredients are shady, providing the red shady overall look of the origins. The variety of elements, noticeable tanshinone I, tanshinone II, cryptotanshinone, etc. (see Determine 3), were first described by researchers in 1968, though analysis had been continuous since the pigments were divided from salvia in 1934. More lately, nearly 40 editions of the main tanshinone elements have been found in the origins. The tanshinones are unique substance elements, and similar ingredients are not found in other China suppliers organic herbs. The finish tanshinone material of the origins is about 1%, with tanshinone I and II and cryptotanshinone being current in the greatest amount. In one newest analysis, the concentrate of Radix Salvia miltiorrhiza created tanshinone II 0.29%; cryptotanshinone 0.23%; tanshinone I: 0.11%. Specification :-5%~98% Benefits :- Salvia miltiorrhiza has been commonly used in China suppliers and, to a smaller level, in Asia, the U. s. Declares, and other Europe for the treatment of heart and cerebrovascular illnesses. In China suppliers, the specific medical use is angina pectoris, hyperlipidemia, and serious ischemic action. A trademarked China herbal medication has efficiently finished Stage II medical studies in the U. s. Declares and will soon begin Stage III research, increasing the chance that it could become the first Traditional China Medicine (TCM) item to obtain medication acceptance from the US Food and Drug Management (FDA). The item, Substance Danshen Leaking Tablet (also generally known as Cardiotonic Pill), is created by Tianjin Tasly Drug Co. Ltd. in Tianjin, China suppliers. It contains the draw out of the main of danshen as well as draw out of the main of notoginseng (Panax notoginseng; known as sanchi or tien-chi ginseng), and artificial borneol, an element that changes the more expensive natural borneol found in cardamom, cinnamon, and other spices or herbs. DANSHEN Side Effects & Safety : Danshen seems to be secure for most people. It can cause some adverse reactions, such as itchiness, disappointed abdomen, and decreased hunger. There is some issue that it might also cause sleepiness, faintness, and a blood vessels condition known as thrombocytopenia. But there isn't enough information to know for sure if danshen causes these adverse reactions. Special Safety measures & Warnings : Pregnancy and breast-feeding : Not enough is known about the use of danshen during maternity and breast-feeding. Stay prepared and avoid use. Bleeding disorders : There is a issue that danshen might improve the chance of blood vessels loss. If you have a blood vessels loss problem, do not use it. Surgery : Danshen can slowly blood vessels clots, so there is a issue that it might improve the chance of extra blood vessels loss during and after surgery treatment. Stop using danshen at least 2 several weeks before a planned surgery treatment.