Rom-Phosphobacteria is a Phosphorus (P) solubilizing bacterial biofertilizer.
When applied to soil ROM-Phosphobacteria multiplies, produces organic acids and converts insoluble phosphatic compounds in soil into soluble form and makes them available to plants.
Enables continuous Phosphorus (P) availability to plants from soil and reduces the requirement of chemical Phosphorus (P) requirement for plant growth over a period of time.
Dosage: Use 5 kg of powder with farmyard manure or 500 ml of liquid with water for drip irrigation per acre. Applications:
ROM-Phosphobacteria when applied to the soil, multiplies, produces organic acids, and converts insoluble phosphatic compounds into soluble form and make them available to plants.
ROM-Phosphobacteria when applied long term will help reduce application of phosphatic fertilizers. It promotes plant growth and can be used in all crops such as fruits, vegetables, pulses, paddy, maize, sugarcane etc. and approved for use in Organic Agriculture.