Description: The Regal Angelfish can be recognised by the alternating yellow and black-edged white bars on the body. The soft part of the dorsal fin is blue with black scribbles. The anal fin has....
Description: The Regal Angelfish can be recognised by the alternating yellow and black-edged white bars on the body. The soft part of the dorsal fin is blue with black scribbles. The anal fin has yellow and blue stripes. The caudal fin is yellow.uvenile Regal Angelfish are similar to the adults, but are more orange than yellow, and have a distinct ocellus on the soft dorsal fin.t occurs in tropical marine waters of the Indo-West and Central Pacific, from East Africa and the Red Sea, north to Japan, south to Australia and east to the Tuamoto Islands
Minimum Tank Size: A minimum of a 100 gallon tank with plenty of hiding places and live rock for grazing will offer a good environment
Feeding and Diet: To entice a Regal Angelfish to eat, use a diet of fresh shrimp and chopped seafood. The diet should also include herbivore preparations which include Spirulina and marine algae, and angelfish preparations containing sponges. Level of Care: Advanced Aquarist