Description: The Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse varies in coloration from a red and blue coloration, to a deep maroon and deep blue coloration. More often than not this species will have a pale....
Description: The Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse varies in coloration from a red and blue coloration, to a deep maroon and deep blue coloration. More often than not this species will have a pale underside. Please expect variations in coloration with these fish, as the intensity of coloration and patterns vary with the location in their natural habitat, and their mood
Minimum Tank Size: A sand bed and Live Rock should be provided for all Wrasses. They will bury themselves in the sand to sleep or hide. Live Rock provides numerous small life forms that the Wrasses consider a tasty treat as well as another place to hide when they feel threatened. A 50 gallon or larger aquarium, either fish-only or reef, with a shaded area is recommended. The Ruby Head Wrasse will not pick on corals or invertebrates, making them an ideal fish for the reef aquarium. These wrasses do like to jump, so a tight fitting canopy is necessary
Feeding and Diet: Feed a varied diet of frozen prepared foods, minced fresh shrimp, and a good flake food. Try to feed at least twice a day