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    Real Estate ERP Software

    • • It provides a central repository system to maintain the information of the estates and applicant.• It streamlines the information and facilitates convenient retrieval of the documents through graphical interface.
    • • It helps to maintain all the financial issues.• It helps in calculating Broker's commission, Service tax, Interest rate and other additional charges.
    • Supply TypeSupplier
    • Preferred Buyer Location India only

    We are offering real estate erp software. our software for real estate industries provides various phases like project creation, booking, payment received, allotment, cancellation, transfer &....
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    We are offering real estate erp software.
    our software for real estate industries provides various phases like project creation, booking, payment received, allotment, cancellation, transfer & payments tracking etc. It maintains company estates (flat, complex, quarters etc.) information and also helps to integrate all data and processes related to estates into a single unified system that manages different modules.
    • it provides a central repository system to maintain the information of the estates and applicant.
    • it streamlines the information and facilitates convenient retrieval of the documents through graphical interface.
    • it helps to maintain all the financial issues.
    • it helps in calculating broker's commission, service tax, interest rate and other additional charges.
    • it integrates the data and makes data retrieving and manipulating simpler.
    detail system specifications
    rems cover the following areas and all the modules are integrated and network based so that all the modules can be accessed through any terminal….
    1. Customer relation order finalization information
    2. Land purchase information
    3. Project information
    4. Booking & allotments
    5. Contractor’s work management
    6. Cashier
    7. Accounts
    8. Material management (stores)
    9. Project analysis
    10. Customer complaints
    11. Project site management
    12. Payroll
    13. Rental management
    14. Web based customer information
    1. customer relation & order finalization information
    in this module it will start form the customer, who wants preliminary information about your project or having an interest about your project. keeping his profiles and interest in which project, correspondences and offers, follow-ups, sales persons follow ups, and many more
    a. Inquiry information entry
    i) financial budget
    ii) preferred floor and area
    iii) commercialresidentialoffice
    b. Project wise inquiry
    c. Date wise inquiry
    d. Name wise inquiry
    e. Letter printing
    f. Plotconstructionboth wise inquiry
    g. Salesman wise query
    h. Schedules for a coming month
    i) follow-up reminders
    ii) mailresponse to enquirer
    i. Telephonicpersonal inquiry
    2. land purchase information
    in this module you can enter the land purchase information and outstanding. the following information can be generated through this module. you can enter plot #, hal plot #, khata #, khata #, hall khata #, areas in sabak, total area, legal owner, name & address of the seller and amount.
    a. Land purchase information
    b. Purchase register
    c. Party wise purchase register
    3. project information
    in this module you can keep the following information about the project with the plan, layouts, pictures, facilities, rates and other information. along with the picture it will show you the booked and vacant plots so that the customer will know simultaneously bookedvacant and project information at a time.
    a. No. Of plots
    b. Plot sizes
    c. Built up areas
    d. Facilities
    e. Approaches
    f. Rates (land & construction)
    4. Booking & allotments
    in this module you can maintain the member information and booking details about your project. it will start from booking, allotments, changing plotsflats, cancellation etc. the following reports and queries will be generated.
    a. Create new customer
    b. Plot allotment
    c. Agreement details
    d. Plotflat change
    e. Plotflat cancellation
    f. Plotflat allotted to member
    g. Modification and changes details
    h. Flat not allotted (booking status)
    i. Payment reminder letter
    j. Payment and information reminder
    k. Payment defaulters list
    l. Pending installments
    m. Brokerage & commission party wise
    n. Brokerage & commission project wise
    5. Contractor’s work management
    this module will manage prior allotment and post allotments of works to contractors in various forms. The following information will be generated:
    a. Contractorcompany master record
    b. Comparative rates entry for various contractors
    c. Work order allotment to contractors with rate contract
    d. Running bill generation
    e. Final bill generation with advance and deductions
    f. Running bill statement
    g. Final bill statement
    6. Cashier
    if you have a separate cash section this module will help you cash payment and receipt transactions, which will be transferred to accounts. the cashier can maintain his cash balance along with the statement. the following reports will be generated in the cashier module.
    a. Cashchequesdd payment register
    b. Cashchequesdd receipt register
    c. Daily cash statement
    d. Monthly account summary
    7. accounts
    in this module you can maintain accounts information for your firm with project wise details. in detail you can have accounts in a project wise manner so that you can generate all reports like profit & loss, balance sheet and other reports project wise separately. the following reports will be generated in this module.
    a. Books & ledgers
    i) cash book
    ii) bank book
    iii) general ledger
    iv) journal book
    v) collection details (day wise month wise summary)
    vi) summary collection
    vii) interest allocation project wise
    viii) wip value for project
    b. Party ledger & outstanding
    i) party ledgers
    ii) party outstanding
    iii) summary outstanding
    c. Final accounts
    i) trading account
    ii) profit & loss account
    iii) balance sheet
    iv) fixed assets statement
    v) confirmation of account of parties
    for both unsecured loan received form and issued from parties, this module has included in account section for handling interest calculation, tds deduction and account settlement. you can calculate interest at any point of time for a particular period and at the year-end or at any point of time you can settle the account of the party with tds and interest. the balance at the year-end will be transferred to the new year automatically. tds return forms will be printed along with the transaction having pnr no. Of parties.
    8. Material management.
    this module will cover your stocks procured for the project development site wise. you can generate the following reports project wise as well as cumulative.
    a) purchase registers
    b) purchase return registers
    c) issue registers
    d) issue return registers
    e) material damage register (summarysite wise)
    f) stock register (summarysite wise)
    g) stock valuation
    h) detail stock movement
    i) vat statement date wise
    j) vat statement monthly
    k) vat statement yearly
    l) entry tax report
    m) c-form management
    n) way bill management
    i) way bill receive
    ii) way bill issue
    iii) way bill utilization certificate
    9. project analysis
    in this module the project related mi reports would be generated liked, project wise expenses, collections, project expenses and collection reports, investments, escalation information and other related reports. all the extra modifications received form the customer and its progress can be monitored. the following reports will be generated though this module.
    a. Expenditures made for the project
    b. Payments received for the project
    c. Detail profit & loss account of a project
    d. Modifications charges for the project
    e. Rate escalation for the project
    f. Escalation amount to be received
    g. Proposed project expenses
    h. Members for a project
    i. Vacant plots
    j. Allotted plots
    k. Percentage of collection for the project in details
    l. Pending collection and expenses to be made
    m. Complaints received in details
    10. complaints analysis
    in this module all the complaints will be recorded project wise and customer wise and the measures taken to solve those problems. you will generate reports the section wise complaints received of a specific project like, construction, electrical, plumbing, wood works, sanitary & sewerage and etc. So that you can take necessary measures to give the best good quality works to your customer.
    11. project site management
    in this module the project site related entry modules and reports modules will be clubbed together to connect a site to the master server. the site accountant will make the following entries on line so that the data will be saved in the server and there is no need of further entry at the main office.
    a. Material receipt
    b. Material transfer
    c. Material damage
    d. Payments made
    e. Contractors work in progress
    f. Contractors labor details
    g. Stock ledger
    h. Cash book
    12. payroll
    in today’s world of employees every corporate is bound to look after its employees which is the major factor in its growth and development. it is every corporate’s dream to have employees of good, well behaved, sincerity, punctuality and good knowledge in his work. pay roll is a small part of the hrd management.
    a. Employee master information
    b. Attendance information
    c. Advance deduction information
    d. Deduction information
    e. Tds deduction
    f. Generation of payroll
    g. Generation of pay slips
    h. Generation of bank voucher
    i. Monthly pf statement
    j. Yearly pf statement
    k. Yearly pf statement employee wise
    l. Monthly pf deposit statement
    m. Monthly esi statement
    n. Yearly esi statement
    o. Tds form for employee
    p. Tds deposit statement
    q. Professional tax deduction statement
    r. Bonus declarations
    s. Bonus statement
    t. Gratuity calculation for employees
    13. Rental management
    various commercial and residential spaces allotted on rental basis will be managed efficiently in a better way which handles all the account reports like tds deducted on receiving the payment and service tax applied on rent and service charges.
    a. Customer master
    b. Room master
    c. Bill generation
    the monthly bill will be generated taking care of the following components:
    i) room rent
    ii) electricity charges
    iii) electricity charges for common area
    iv) parking area rent
    v) maintenance charge
    vi) security charges
    d. Service tax statement for both rent and service charge
    e. Collection receipt
    f. Bill statement
    g. Pending bill statement
    h. Reminder letter
    14. web based customer information
    this module will be hosted in the web site of your company. if a customer browse through your web and it will take his personal and project detail information and will be updated in your master database for the further communication from your side.
    the voucher generation process
    the following vouchers will be generated on line.
    1. Plotflat allotment letter
    2. Bookingmember shipagreement form
    3. Money receipt
    4. Customer bill regarding project purchases. (sale of plotflat)
    5. Pay slips
    user security
    the system will have multiple level passwords. the first level will have only the facility for entry and reports and the supervisor will have all the modules accessed. the supervisor can give the access right to any user to any module except the security module. in the second level security individual user can have module detail options like add, edit, delete, print, view only or combinations.
    data security
    the backup module will help you keep your data backed up regularly in your fixed disk as well as in floppy disks so that in case of a system failure you can reload your old data for the backed up. the backup system will take up back hours, days, week, month basis automatically.
    apart from this a standby server will be installed parallel to the server and a mirror image of the server will be stored automatically as and when the database is updated. so that if any case the main server fails to work then the standby server will start automatically.
    system requirements hardware
    the system will be on client server technology with windows 2000 server as server and xp as client.
    1. Cash countercustomer relation -1
    2. Accounts-1
    3. Accounts-2
    4. Server-1
    5. Internet connection to the server
    6. Other requirement as per your need
    7. Printers laser jet or 132 column 24 wire printer at the server or at any client
    8. A standby server will be added to have mirror image of server-1 so that if any break down occurs the standby server will be activated.
    system requirements software
    the system will be developed on client server technology.
    front end tool: vb 6.0
    back end tool: ms sql server
    time frame
    1. System designing
    5 days
    2. System development
    140 days
    3. System implementation
    7 days
    4. User training
    2 days
    system implementation includes the old data transfer to the new system.
    about rems
    real estate management system (rems 2.01) is a completely window based computerized office management system for builders and developers and it takes care of everything starting from customer queries till bookings, land purchase or lease agreement, on site material management, customer complaints, accounts includes separate cashier module for handling receipt and payment in both cash and bank, separate unsecured loan module for handing interest, tds and account settlement, separate party payment module for tds deduction and many more. It is being developed on windows platform visual basic 6 as front end tool, which will give you 100% satisfaction on your investment on the office automation. Some of the special features and details are mentioned in detail.
    1. Project map & customer query
    it has included a powerful feature as map reading facility, which provides the complete map of your project in a windows and coloring features provides information regarding vacant plotshouses, booked plotshouses, tentatively booked ones, you can query the customer information against the booked plothouseflat. you can color the plots directly from this module by double clicking the map.
    2. Separate cashier module
    it has a separate cashier module to handle cash and bank receipt and payments only so that you can maintain your office patty cash account and the money receipts can be generated online through computer online.
    3. Customer complaints
    till now everybody is ignorant about the complaints made by the customer and the solving of the complaint. in the case of simplex, duplex or flat everybody has its complaints about the construction, about construction, plumbing, electrical, wood works and other areas. you can record the complaints through this module and the very important queries based on the above section can be generated so that you can eradicate the problems if it the fault on your side and the customer will get the satisfaction.
    4. Modification & rate escalations
    customer modifications and its charges can be added to the amount of the simplexduplexflat with immediate effect with a detail record, so that you will recover your dues without any fail. if any rate escalation is made you can charge the customer in detail.
    5. Project wise profit & loss
    rems will give you the project wise profit and loss account that includes the expenses made account wise and amounts received against the project.
    6. Land purchase information
    it will give you about the land information like sabak plot no., hal plot no., khata no., hal khata no., areas and areas in sabak, total area, legal owner, seller name & address and amount.
    7. Unsecured loan account
    rems has separate unsecured loan account module to take care of interest calculation, tds deduction and account settlement for both loan taken and given transactions.
    8. Party payment
    rems has separate party payment module for payments made to contractors, service providers to whom tds deductions is applicable. so that you can deduct the tds directly along with the payment made.
    9. Vat account
    vat return forms are provided to handle vat account for purchases made from outside the state or against form d for tax exemption and your tax return statements will be generated which includes tax free, taxable, purchase against d from.
    10. Interest allocation project wise
    total interest paid (creditors, unsecured loan, deposits, bank etc.) less interest received from various sources (default customers, deposits etc.) will be divided project wise according to their expenditures made during the year and then the real value of the project will be in picture.
    11. Wip (work in progress)
    work in progress (wip) is a main account for real estate developers where the project is scheduled to complete in more than one year. all the expenses made for the project will be accounted to wip and will be an asset till the project is completed and the payment received from the customer will be the advance for construction. when the project completes the wip will be transferred to cost of the project and the payment received against the project will be to sale of the project.
    12. Zoom inout in accounts
    a query module in accounts provide zoom in and out facility so that you can browse through any ledger from trial balance to monthly balances then date balances and then detail transactions and can be edited and then returns back to the previous screen.
    13. Rental management
    spaces allotted on rent basis will be managed and the monthly bill be generated with taking care of various components like, room rent, electricity for main area, electricity for the common area, service charges, parking charges, security charges etc. it will take cared of service tax modules and the collection received from the clients and tds handling.
    14. Brokerage & commission
    brokerage or commissions paid for sale of flat will be accounted automatically and all the related reports will be printer broker wise with project wise details.
    15. User access of modules
    rems has the facility to allow or not allow any module to any user through its user access module. the supervisoradmin has the facility to provide the user access for different users of different modules so that security will be provided to the system.

    Additional Information

    • Payment Terms L/C, D/A
    • Delivery Time1 month
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