Our company presents miraculous Quantum Energy Flask. The high grade mineral composition of our Quantum Energy Flask radiates negative ions in water, carrying a weak electric current to adjust the....
Our company presents miraculous Quantum Energy Flask. The high grade mineral composition of our Quantum Energy Flask radiates negative ions in water, carrying a weak electric current to adjust the ion balance of the inner body. Consequently, free radicals in the body are converted to ordinary oxygen. Our Quantum Energy Flask effectively removes toxic substances, defers aging and improve the digestive system. Highlights of inner surface :
Natural mineral material
Features :
Regulates the body acid-base balance
Resists the formation and growth of cancer cell
Reduces blood lipid, Lower blood pressure
Improves regulation of gastrointestinal function
Promotes metabolism, and enhances immunity
High dissolving power of energy water binds to the waste toxins in our body and flushes them out through urination, perspiration, and others