DVP SS2 SERIES2nd Generation Standard Slim PLC (Economic and Compact PLC) MPU Points:14 (8DI +6 DO) Max IO points:492 (248DI + 246DO) Program Capacity: 8k Steps Higher execution speed compared to the competition: LD 0.35ms, MOV : 3.4ms. Built in with Rs-232 &Rs-485 ports with Modbus ASCII/RTU protocol. Can be master or slave. Support PID auto auto-tuning function Expandable up to 8 special Module (Analog, Temp, High speed I/O) Support 4-point (Y0-Y3) Independent high speed pulse output with frequency up to 10Khz 8 points of high-speed counters :20Khz/4 points,10kKhz/4 points