Proctor Penetrometer, Spring Type, 0-40 kg x 1 The instrument consists of a needle attached to a spring loaded plunger, the stem of which is calibrated to read 0 to 40 kg division. Long stem is....
Proctor Penetrometer, Spring Type, 0-40 kg x 1 The instrument consists of a needle attached to a spring loaded plunger, the stem of which is calibrated to read 0 to 40 kg division. Long stem is graduated at every 12.5mm to read depth of penetration and for use with needles of larger areas . The small penetration stem is also graduation in 12.5mm division and is used with needles of smaller areas. Needle points one each of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5 and 6.0 sq Cm. and one tommy pin is supplied. Complete as above in a wooden carrying case.
Proctor Penetrometer, Hydraulic Type, 0-40 kg x 2 This instruments is same as above but the penetration pressure on the needle is conveyed through a hydraulic system Comprises hydraulic proctor needle system complete with a pressure gauge fixed at easily readable angle reading 0-70 kg x 2 kg. A set of needle points consisting one each 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5 and 6.0 sq. cm. and a wooden carrying case.
Penetrometer, Proving Ring Type. (Vicksberg Penetrometer) Simple and light instrument for measuring static penetration resistance. The thrust force is provided directly by the operator who, by pushing on the T handle, forces the cone into the soil.The encountered resistance is measured on the fitted load ring. Testing is only possible in soils with good consistency and for short depths. Specifications 1. 3 cones with 30° cone angle and 1 sq. inch sectional area 2. 1 KN (100 kgf) load ring