CNC-600 Principle of Industrial Sensors A Comprehensive Approach to the Use of Sensing Devices in Industry It features over 25 hours of instruction in limit switches and fiber optics, infrared and....
CNC-600 Principle of Industrial Sensors A Comprehensive Approach to the Use of Sensing Devices in Industry It features over 25 hours of instruction in limit switches and fiber optics, infrared and proximity sensors. Each section includes an introduction to components, principles of their use and applications. The modular format allows self-teach/self-paced or group instruction.
Experiment Station: The learning system was developed to address identification, application and design of sensing systems. It is enclosed in a portable and lockable storage case made of impact-resistant polyethylene. The interior holds the sensor control unit, the power pack with input/output terminal strips, the SenSelect software and the sensor component kits. The mounting bracket and hardware for mounting the sensors are included, as well as an experiment work surface made of a ½" extruded and anodized aluminum T-slot slider bar. The work surface can be removed from the case for setting up sensor experiments with other equipment. Component Kit: The kit includes the six different types of sensing devices that are necessary for mastering the curriculum objectives, a roller lever limit switch, a standard lever limit switch, a diffuse-reflective fiber optic cable (with base unit), a thru-beam fiber optic cable (with base unit), an infrared sensor and a proximity sensor. Application components for conducting experiments with the sensors include a 12.5-volt pilot light, mallory sonalert alarm, a color board and steel, brass and aluminum plates.