Features Designed for life time trouble-free performance Design conforms to Indian and International standards Low power loss and low noise level Designed to withstand electrical....
Design conforms to Indian and International standards
Low power loss and low noise level
Designed to withstand electrical impulses, thermal and dynamic stresses
Optimum utilization of active materials for compactness
Modern manufacturing techniques ensure cost effectiveness and reliability
3 phase, 50 Hz in voltages of 11kV, 22kV and 33kV
Off-circuit tap changer to provide any required range as per standards
On load tap changer to provide standard range & also custom built for any other ranges as per standards. OLTC will be internally/externally mounted as per the requirement
Class A, uniform/non-uniform insulated for oil cooled, Class B to Class H for dry type transformers
Any vector group as per standards
Any duty cycle as per Indian / International standards
Painting as per Indian / International standards
Both HV & LV side outdoor bushings or cable boxes
Cooling radiators/fans.
Standard fittings as per Indian / International standards
Buchholz relay with alarm and trip contact with shut off valves
Oil temperature indicator with alarm and trip contact
Winding temperature indicator with alarm and trip contact
Magnetic oil level gauge with alarm contact
Marshalling box to house oil temperature indicator and winding temperature indicator