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    CVM Power Analyzers

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    CVM Power analyzersNowadays, companies, industries or any consumer of electrical energy are trying to optimise costs to become the most competitive players in the market. We can act over a large....
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    CVM Power analyzers
    Nowadays, companies, industries or any consumer of electrical energy are trying to optimise costs to become the most competitive players in the market. We can act over a large number of parameters to save on costs, such as on the consumption of electrical energy.

    CIRCUTOR's analyzers offer state-of- the-art technology, measuring a large variety  of  electrical  parameters, with the main purpose of controlling and managing an installation, machine, industry, etc. thus optimizing the energy costs.


    The CVM series of analyzers includes highly accurate metering stations that are aimed at the control and supervision of the main electrical parameters in three or four-wire, low and high volt- age, single and/or three-phase grids. In addition, they offer the most innovative technologies and offer metering in true root mean square. Its indirect current outputs use ITF technologies in the .../5 A secondary or .../1 A secondary: galvanic insulation protection inputs inductive and reactive capacitive energy, for each rate programmed (depending on the type).They incorporate the maximeter function, calculating the demand integrated in a programmable period (depending on the type). The integration is carried out with a sliding window and it can be carried out over the following adjustable parameters: three-phase current, active three-phase power, apparent three- phase power or current per phase.
    What functions do CIRCUTOR's analyzers offer?

    • They display and transmit all electrical parameters metered and/or calculated.
    • They incorporate the metering function, storing in the memory the value of energy consumed and generated, even in the absence of an auxiliary power supply. Hourly discriminator with previous programming mode, thus obtaining a totalizer of active,apparent, reactive.
    • Some  of CIRCUTOR's  analyzers can be expanded or offer modular capabilities, with additional functions that can be associated to any electrical parameter monitored or calculated, such as:
      • Multi-converter functions: analogue inputs and output.
    • Alarm station or impulse generation function: digital inputs and outputs. The communications outputs, connection topologies and network protocols can be of different types.
      • Connections : Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485,
      • Radio Protocols: Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, Profibus DP, Metasys N2 and XML.

    Integration systems  (Modbus  RTU vs. Modbus TCP)
    Until now, CIRCUTOR offered and is currently offering Ethernet communication gateways, (Modbus RUT), (TCP2RS code M54031), used for the integration of RS-485 equipment, making use of the Ethernet infrastructures existing in installations. Said gateways were designed for the communication with market SCADAs that did not have the possibility of establishing IP ad- dressing communications, since this was through a virtual port redirectioning software. Another problem with this type of communications was that it was a mono-master system, i.e., communications could only be established with slave equipment, with a single master or control PC. Communications could not be established with other equipment that was not established as a slave.
    Fortunately, PLC data acquisition systems  and  other  market  masters,  as well as the slaves commonly installed in these cases (three-phase power quality analyzers) have been unified under a standardized protocol that is very popular among manufacturers: Industrial Ether- net or Modbus/TCP.The implementation of this system has led to the standardization of the protocol so that any slave can be queried by various masters at the same time (up to eight), thus multiplying the different and diverse communication topologies in an energy control installation or in any process control situation (multimaster cases).Therefore, CIRCUTOR has launched its range of Ethernet analyzers again, implementing the new protocol with the main purpose of stand- ardising the communication methods used by most of the global manufacturers.

    • CVMk2-ITF + k2-EXP-SD-MODBUS/ TCP: Power Quality AnalyzerM54400 / M54402 + Ethernet expanding module (Modbus/TCP) M54504
    • CVM144-ITF-Ethernet-TCP: Power Quality Analyzer (Modbus/TCP): M50790
    • CVM96-IT-Ethernet-TCP: Power Quality Analyzer (Modbus/TCP): M51241
    • TCP2RS: Converter RS232-RS485 / Ethernet (Modbus/TCP): M54032
    • LM50-TCP: Alarm / Impulse Centraizer (Modbus/TCP): M54032
    • With this type of analyzers, the integration of CIRCUTOR's units with any market SCADA, PLC or control master is easier and simpler than ever.

    ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE: Power Studio Scada Toph-performance management software designed for the analysis of the consumption of energy and other parameters metered by CIRCUTOR's equipment.
    What can this software be used for?

    • Control of the energy in an installation, analyzing the status of its lines and installations in real time.
    • Simulation of receipts, depending on the version. It can be used to analyse the consumption of energy in the installations with the equipment supplied by CIRCUTOR and it also enables the simulation of bills, defining different rates, whether they are regulated or not.
    • Study of the evolution of electrical parameters  in time, such as: V, A, kW, etc, with graphs and tables. Data and graphs can be exported to draw up reports. Different analyzers can be used to analyse and study the quality parameters defined by the IEC 61000-4-30 Standard.

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