StorageStore in a cool dark place away from direct sunlight
Types Of BiofertilizersPotash Mobilizer
Shelf-life1 Year from the Date of Manufacture
Technical NamePotash Mobilizing Bacterium
FormPowder, Liquid
Potash Solubiliser is a Potash (K) fixing Bio Fertilizer.
Bacteria count increases its own and makes insoluble inorganic Potash / natural unavailable soil potash compounds in soil into soluble for plant growth.
Enables continuous Potash (K) availability to plants from soil and reduces the requirement of chemical Potash (K) use for plant growth over a period of time
Available in powder and liquid formulations
Dosage: Use 5 kg of powder with farmyard manure or 500 ml of liquid with water for drip irrigation per acre. Applications:
ROM-Potash Solubilizer is a potash (K) solubilizing bio fertilizer. When it is applied to soil, it multiples naturally and mobilizes soil potassium (K)
ROM-Potash Solubilizer is a bio fertilizer and it helps to mobilize soil potassium (K) for plant growth. It can be used in all crops such as fruits, vegetables, pulses, paddy, maize, sugarcane etc. and approved for use in Organic Agriculture.
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