POLYPORTM- Porous Plastic Filter Material of Polypropylene, PTFE, HDPE, Cellulose Acetate, and Polystyrene ranges from 5 to 250 microns. Form of rods, hollow pipes, sheets and joined parts of....
POLYPORTM- Porous Plastic Filter Material of Polypropylene, PTFE, HDPE, Cellulose Acetate, and Polystyrene ranges from 5 to 250 microns. Form of rods, hollow pipes, sheets and joined parts of porous with a non-porous plastic and can be moulded as per your drawing and dimension Material: POLYPORTMmakes its porous plastics from many thermo-plastic polymers including:
Polypropylene (FGX)
Polyethylene (DMF)
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVF)
Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA)
Styrene Acrylo Nitrite (SAN)
Polyurethane (PUR)
Polytetrafluoroethylene (TFE)
Polystyrene (PTR)
Cellulose Acetate (CAB)
Diameter from 2.0 mm to 50 mm can be produced.
Custom sized for your application - No cutting, no waste