The UVSS takes less than 20 seconds change from the under- vehicle search mode to a pole cam method for searching in attics, overhead compartments, trunks, or the back of transport trucks. The....
The UVSS takes less than 20 seconds change from the under- vehicle search mode to a pole cam method for searching in attics, overhead compartments, trunks, or the back of transport trucks.
The telescopic pole is available in 2 configurations i. e extended length upto1.3 metres and uotp 2 metres. Other optional customized sizes like 3, 4 or 5 metres is also available on specialized bulk requirement.
No tool is required to change from one mode to another. It can be used in the same way that other search mirrors are utilized: hold the pole cam configuration with the camera close to the ground and search under office furniture or any objects close to the ground to get a detailed view.