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Contact SupplierPETROL AND DIESEL TIMING LIGHTS TECHNICAL FEATURES Power supply: 9 - 16 Volt RPM: 0 - 9990 RPM ris. 10 rpm Advance: 0 - 99,9° ris. 0,1° Dwell: 0 - 99.9% ris. 0.1% (fra 700-1500 RPMJ Volt: 0 - 50 Volt ris. 0,1 Volt Peack volt: 0 - 50 Volt ris. 0.1 Volt FUNCTION Timing light with microprocessor with integrated electronic for petrol engine (Lux 500J and petrol-diesel engines (Lux 51 OJ for two and four strokes. It is able to realise the following tests:
Revolution Spark advance Automatic spark advance with magnetic sensor DWELL angle VOLT Peack VOLT Battery efficiency and recharge alternator automatic test CHECK AND REGULATION OF BOSCH MONO-INJECTIONS A simple instrument to monitor and to regulate BOSCH mono-injections of the monojetronic, monomotronic and Marelli. OPEL. Ford (with set 352m. FUNCTIONSCheck and regulate the idling motor Check the throttle potentiometer Check the operation of the mono-injector Check the air and engine temperature probe Check the air temperature sensor Check the cut/off function Simulate a correct Lambda probe signal Itimer 5 kHz 70°C "ES 7960 2700 A complete instruction manual helps the operator during the procedures in order to achieve a complete diagnosis of the injection system.