SpeacialityPure Organic, Non Harmful, Health Conscious
UsageHome, Office, Restaurant, Hotel
TypeAyurvedic Tea
Brand NameAthrav Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd.
CertificationFSSAI Certified
Cultivation TypeOrganic
Processing TypeFresh
Grade StandardAyurvedic Grade
Country of OriginIndia
Storage ConditionStore In A Cool Dry Place
Is It DriedYes
Is It OrganicOrganic
KaaliMirch has rich dietary and anti-inflammatory properties in it.Prevents cancer: A person should add kali mirch in his diet or food because it helps in fighting cancer.
Pipal In Ayurveda, every part of the pipal tree-the leaf, bark, shoot, seeds and its fruit has several medicine benefits. It can taken for cough, pitta , blood-related problems, burning sensation and vomitting etc.
Sounth It used weight loss, improving digestion , which helps in burning stored fat and processing glucose in the blood.
Vasa improves voice quality and relives cough. It aids in pacifying blood disorders like nasal bleeding, blood vomiting or heavy menstrual bleeding. It is useful in treating acute bronchitis asthma and cold
Tulsi may relive symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, colds, congestion, coughs, flue, sinusitis, sore throat, and similar ailments, relieves arthritis and regulated blood sugar.
Gulbanafsa Boost Immunity , Improves Digestion and treating bowel related issues, reduces stress and anxiety and asthmatics symptoms.
Loung the compounds in cloves may have several health benefits, including supporting liver health and helping stabilize blood sugar level.
Sounf is Very rich souch of potassium and an essential component of cells and body fluds, it helps controls your heart rate and blood pressure.
Ela Suksham is used to cure indigestion, nausea , vomiting and used to expel out phlegm out of body. It is very beneficial in congestion of lungs and other pulmonary diseases. It is used stomach pain, flatulence and gripping.
Raktgunjan are very powerful and protect the wearer from physical harm . It brings luck and fortune.
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