Chick peas belongs to the legume family. It is also popularize with several other names in different region such as chana, Bengal gram, sanagalu, gonzo bean etc. Chickpea an Organic Products, is....
Chick peas belongs to the legume family. It is also popularize with several other names in different region such as chana, Bengal gram, sanagalu, gonzo bean etc. Chickpea an Organic Products, is one of the earliest legumes, which is cultivated from last 7, 500 years in the Middle East. The plant grows to between 8 to 20 inches high in suitable climate. Chick peas plants need more than 400 millimeters or 16 inches of annual rain and temperate weather for proper growth. It has a little feathery leaves on both side of stem. Chickpea is a kind of pulse and its seeds are source of high protein. Chickpea seeds are available in market either dry or canned at various Chick pea Suppliers In India Godawan :Chick Peas Exporters India Uses of Organic Chickpeas
Chickpea is consumed as a dry pulse crop or as a green vegetable.
Chick peas seeds are consumed in soups, snack food, vegetable mixture, or as a constituent of fresh salads.
Flour of chickpea seeds are used to make various sweets and edible recipe.
It is also used to feed livestock. Some part of chickpea root, leaves and seeds are used for animal food.
There is an organic acid found in chickpea leaves, which has medicinal property to clean the cuts and scrap.
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