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Contact Supplierthe use of "orgimicrobes" means an easy definite route to evergreen agriculture and simpler route to prepare bio compost from cow dung, animals dung & excreta, vegetable waste, city solid waste and other bio-degradable waste. continuous use of orgimicrobes is most advantageous. orgimicrobes is an ideal mixture of naturally available microbes from deep thick green forest and other natural sources. it may contain lactic acid bacteria; yeast, azotobacter spp, aspergillus spp, penicillium spp. psudomonas spp. trichoderma spp, bacillus spp. we select ideal combination from these for preparing effective mixture for biocompost. the total count remains 106 - 109 per gm of om (cfu 106 - 109) when stored in shade and little humid conditions. om acts on complex substances like protein, starch, cellulose, fat, chitin, polysaccharide etc and breaks down to simpler, assimilable substances, mainly absorbed by roots, viz amino acids, carbohydrate, growth promoters micro nutrients, precursors of growth promotors and many more useful substances for plants and soil enrichment. it improves, moisture holding capacity of soil and makes it more fertile. the use of om also reduces foul small, insects like fly, mosquito, etc. each microbes selected for preparation of om plays very significant role to prepare one of the best of bio-compost. the use of bio-compost prepared with om reduces agriculture input cost and also reduces or avoids use of chemicals in agriculture in order to achieve successful organic farming. thus orgi microbes reduces agriculture input cost improves quality & quantity reduces diseases improves fertility & maintains fertility rreduces water consumption safe to use an effective mixture of bioculture for biocompost, consisting of various microbes, inclusive microbes for healthy soil, speeds up biocompost formation and quality. improves nutritional values & effectiveness