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Contact SupplierJuice Extraction
The extraction of juice can be done by using horizontal three roller mills using hydraulic pressure on mills. The milling tandem should contain two or three mills, each of three rollers. This reduces the moisture content in the bagasse and loss of the sugar in bagasse. The extraction of juice in the Khandsari sugar industry ranges from 55-65%.The cold raw juice is received alternatively in two underground tanks in the mill house. This juice, which is acidic (pH 5.2-5.4), milk of lime is addedand the pH of the juice is raised to 10. With addition of milk of lime in the given proportions, pH of the juice rises as the natural free organic acids are neutralized and juice becomes alkaline.
Juice Purification
The purification of juice was carried out sulphitation tank. In this process sulphur is burnt in a special furnace with the help of an air compressor using atmospheric air and the SO2 gas is produced. The gas is made to bubble through the juice in the sulphitation tank through a perforated coil located in the bottom of the tank at a high pressure until the pH of the juice is reduced to 6.8-7.0. After neutralization, the juice is heated to 100°C in the round bottom pan of the bel and then pumped into the settling tanks. Here the impurities are allowed to settle down to the bottom leaving a supernatant layer of clear juice. The time required for settling is approximately 45 minutes. The clear juice is drawn off in the tank by means of suitable cocks placed at different levels and is allowed to flow into standard bel for being concentrated to rab (massecuite). The muddy juice remaining at the bottom of the settling tank is pumped to filter presses for filtration for the recovery of any sucrose. The filtrate fromthese bag filter press and the washings are directed into the standard bel for being mixed with the rest of the clear juice.
Juice Concentration
By Open Pan BoilingThere are several different configurations of boiling pans for concentration of sugarcane juice by open pan (in round bottom vessel called “bel” in local language) boiling. These bels are heated by firing bagasse in the furnace. The juice is heated to 96-98°C and then concentrated at temperatures between 105-106°C in various pans.
Solidification of concentrated Juice
The solidification and crystallization of the concentrated juice is done in crystallizers. The rab (106°C) is then transferred to crystallizer and allowed to remain there for about 36 hours for the growth of crystals. The crystallizers are fitted with special stirrers rotating slowly continuously for the formation and growth of crystals. When the rab has cooled down to room temperature after about 36 hours and is fully mature, is taken to centrifuge machine. Crystals are slightly washed with water in the centrifuge. The separated crystals are dried and bagged as first quality sugar. The mixture of heavy and light molasses obtained after the separation of the crystals from the first rab is called ‘first molasses’. This is again boiled to give second rab. The second rab is allowed to cool and mature in crystallizers, which are also fitted with stirrers but these crystallizers are smaller in size. The second rab takes about 60-70 hours to mature and cool down to room temperature. The sugar separated from the second rab by centrifuging is sun dried and bagged as ‘second sugar, which is slightly inferior to the first sugar. The mixture of heavy and light molasses resulting from the purging of the second rab is known as ‘second molasses"