Country of OriginArgentina, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia
Stability and StorageIt should be kept away from heat & other ignition materials. And keep it in tightly closed containers . keep container in cool & well ventilated area
SolubilityMiscible with ether, with chloroform, and with carbon disulfide.
Country of OriginArgentina, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia
Botanical NameOlea europaea
Optical Rotation -10 to -15.
Stability and StorageIt should be kept away from heat & other ignition materials. And keep it in tightly closed containers . keep container in cool & well ventilated area
Specific Gravity0.91500 – 0.92500
SolubilityMiscible with ether, with chloroform, and with carbon disulfide.
Aromatic ScentFresh Olive Oil has a Pungent, Fruity Smell
Common UsesIf you’re prone to acne, using a soap made with olive oil may help decrease your acne by killing off the bacteria that causes the acne. Olive oil is also known to moisturize and hydrate your skin.
Kid SafeYes
Mixes well withButter, Vegetable oil
ConsistencyAt about 45-50°F, the olive oil can begin to solidify, making it look cloudy or crystalized. As the olive oil gets colder, it turns into the consistency of butter. When completely frozen, it becomes a very hard butter.
Refractive Index1.46520 – 1.47540
Plant Part UsedFruits
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