WyunaSep firt time in India introducing highly efficient oil water separation systems, very unique and efficient technology which require only 1/10th of the space, energy and operation efforts compare to conventional tank based OWS.It uses it own oil water separating hydrocyclones to separate oil and water in fraction of second, we can provide system which can provide guranteed water discharge which will have below 10ppm oil in discharge water.for more info please contact us.
Above picture represents our Oil Water Separator system of 6 m3/hr.
The price mentioned is of capacity 3 m3/hr
Most efficient and cost effective solution to water treatment problems.
Clean water with no chemicals - 95% of 20 microne / upto 20 ppm oil droplets removed in single pass.
Foot Print: Compact. 10% the size and weight of conventional systems. from 2 to 24 m3 = 1 to 1.5 m2 area.
Weather proof MOC closed loop system.
Effluent can be recycled for continuous treatment.
Low maintenance - Hydrocyclone has no moving parts.
Modular add-on features allows customers to achieve higher production efficiencies -cleaner environmental outcomes while meeting government regulations, compact design for reduced footprint and weight, wear resistant materials of construction for increased reliability and low maintenance.
Flexible operation for variations in flow-rates.
Manual or fully automated.
Fixed or portable systems available
Can be installed vertically or horizontally.
Very short residence time (in the order of seconds)-Quicker separation of oil solids reduces many issues like odour, dissolved hydrocarbon process and bacterial fungi generation etc.