Our range of Neurosurgery OT Table gives the patient good positioning and stability. As the operations last long, comfort is our major aim in the Neurostar Neurosurgery OT Table. The Neurosurgery OT....
Our range of Neurosurgery OT Table gives the patient good positioning and stability. As the operations last long, comfort is our major aim in the Neurostar Neurosurgery OT Table. The Neurosurgery OT Table is of low height to let the doctor perform the operation easily and access to the accessories like surgical microscope and many more. Our Neurosurgery OT Table comes with attachments like Relton Frame, Wilson frame for Laminectomy, Knee Chest position, Mayfield clamp, Cervical Spine Horseshoe, forehead support attachment and many more. Features
Extra low height of 27’’
Dual Control Console : This option allows access of operating through another parallel console that is fixed on the base of the table
Non-Hydraulic leak proof construction
Table top slide : Makes repositioning the patient also very convenient and offers very large imaging area at the time of spine surgeries