Description: The Neon Velvet Damselfish start out as attractive and hardy displays in the home aquarium, especially when in schools. However these cute little fish quickly grow to become terrors and....
Description: The Neon Velvet Damselfish start out as attractive and hardy displays in the home aquarium, especially when in schools. However these cute little fish quickly grow to become terrors and will chase and harass fish many times their size. These fish make excellent companions for aggressive tankmates with other damselfish, dottybacks, angelfish and puffers. Provide plenty of hiding and swimming space for these fish. They are not recommended for reef aquariums where they will share space with peaceful reef inhabitants
Minimum Tank Size: A tank of at least 30 gallons is recommended
Feeding and Diet: A hardy aquarium fish, accepting a wide variety of prepared foods; live brine shrimp, plankton, mysis shrimp, green algae