Live Natural Planted Aquarium with Neon Tedras Tetras are members of the Characidae family that can be recognized by the adipose fin, a small rounded fin between the dorsal fin and tail.....
Tetras are members of the Characidae family that can be recognized by the adipose fin, a small rounded fin between the dorsal fin and tail. These fish have several bones that join the inner ear and swim bladder, which enhances the hearing of these colorful fish.Tetras are found primarily in the streams and rivers of South America and Africa. Most tetras are active schooling fish that work well in the peaceful community aquarium. It is ideal to keep six or more fish of the same species in the aquarium. Many different schools of tetras can be maintained in the aquarium providing a unique display of color.
Tetras do best in a well-planted aquarium with moderate lighting. Species such as the Neon Tetra and Cardinal tetra are among the most popular of all freshwater fish, adding a touch of brilliance and social interaction to the community aquarium.
The Neon Tetra is often described as the jewel of the aquarium hobby. It is easy to see why it is one of the most popular freshwater tropical fish. With their iridescent blue bodies and bright red tails, Paracheirodon innesi creates an exciting splash of color in any aquarium, especially when kept in schools of six or more.
Native to the clear water streams of South America, the Neon Tetra (Video) prefers densely planted systems with plenty of low light areas to hide. To best recreate its natural habitat, place rocks and driftwood amongst the plants for added areas of refuge. However, the Neon Tetra will tend to swim or remain suspended in the water column in schools to create a breathtaking display of color. Extremely peaceful, the Neon Tetra should be kept with similarly non-aggressive tankmates of a similar size.
This member of the Characidae family thrives in slightly acidic water with stable water parameters. To breed Neon Tetras, separate a pair into a "breeding tank" with no lighting at first, and gradually increase lighting until spawning occurs. Water hardness should be less than 4 dH and live foods such as mosquito larvae are great inducers. Be sure to remove the adults after the eggs have been laid, as the adults will eat them. The eggs should hatch within 30 hours.
Neon Tetras will accept many small foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia, Freeze-dried bloodworms and tubix micro pellet food, and a high quality flake food.